Tanja Zgonc


buto / butoh

Avtorstvo, koreografija in izvedba / Authorship, Choreography & Performance: TANJA ZGONC

Kostumografija / Costume Design: ALAN HRANITELJ

Avtorska glasba / Music: ALDO KUMAR

Oblikovanje svetlobe / Light Design: ANDREJ HAJDINJAK

Kreativna producentka, asistenca / Creative Producer & Assistant: KATJA SOMRAK

Produkcija / Produced by: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA

Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture



O predstavi

S predstavo POKLON želi avtorica počastiti šestdeset let od nastanka buta in hkrati svojo tridesetletno pot, predvsem pa se pokloniti svojim učiteljem – začetnikom buta, učencem ter sodelavcem, ki so jo spremljali na njeni tridesetletni poti.

Rdeča nit predstave je Khandro oziroma t. i. »sky dancer – traveller (popotnica v času)« ter štiri aktivnosti buto telesa: umirjajoča, bogateča, navdušujoča in energična varujoča aktivnost, ki tako kot lunine mene odmerjajo ritem življenju in stopnjam razvojnega ciklusa: rojstvo, mladost, zrelost, starost. Ta ciklus ustreza tako človeškim posameznikom kot družbam ter civilizacijam in pomeni ciklično menjavanje ter večno ponovno začenjanje.

S predstavo se avtorica približa izvornemu butu, pri čemer izhaja iz svoje avtorske estetike, ki jo je desetletja gradila s poglabljanjem v buto in temelji na raziskavah pozornosti, osredotočenosti na detajle, hrbtenico in obrazno govorico ter na povezavi gibalnih arhetipov, predvsem pa na »modrosti telesa«. Telo nosi spomin, ki je v obliki podob in občutij shranjen v celicah, s čimer duševnost instinktivno dojema kot informacijsko omrežje z neštetimi komunikacijskimi sistemi.

Predstava je pospremljena s fotografsko razstavo in z izborom video filmov njenih buto predstav.

About the performance

The author created the performance POKLON / TRIBUTE to celebrate sixty years of butoh dance, as well as her thirty-year journey, and above all, to pay tribute to her teachers – the pioneers of butoh, to her pupils, and to her colleagues who accompanied her on her thirty-year journey.

The story revolves around Khandro, the so‑called “sky dancer – traveller”, and the four activities of the butoh body: the calming, enriching, inspiring and energetic protective activity, which – much like the phases of the moon – give rhythm to life, to the stages of the development cycle: birth, youth, maturity, age – symbolizes the cyclical changing and eternal restarting.

The performance comes close to the original butoh, deriving from her personal aesthetics, which has developed over the decades of delving into butoh and is based on the exploration of attentiveness, on concentration on details, spine and facial language, and on connecting movement archetypes and above all, on the “wisdom of the body”. The body carries a memory, stored in cells in the form of images and senses, instinctively perceiving the psyche as an informational network with endless communication systems.

The performance is accompanied by a photographic exhibition and a selection of videos of her butoh performances.