Plesni Teater Ljubljana / Dance Theatre Ljubljana & Kjara's Dance Project


plesna predstava / a dance performance

Avtorstvo / Authorship: KJARA STARIČ WURST

Koreografija / Choreography: KJARA STARIČ WURST in plesalci / and dancers

Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: GAJA LUŽNIK


Avtorska glasba / Music: RAN BAGNO

Kostumografija / Costume Design: ALMINA DURAKOVIĆ

Oblikovanje svetlobe / Light Design: ANDREJ HAJDINJAK


Kreativna in izvršna producentka / Creative & Executive Producer: KATJA SOMRAK

Produkcija / Produced by: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA

Koprodukcija / Co-Produced by: CANKARJEV DOM

Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture

Foto / Photo: RCH

O predstavi

Plesna predstava Human kolektiva Kjara's Dance Project se dogaja na letališkem terminalu. Letališče predstavlja globalni oder, prizorišče maksimalne tenzije med umetnim in naravnim, tehnološkim in organskim. Koreografija skeniranja, varnostnih pregledov in čakalnih vrst predstavlja rituale nadzora, ki nas postavljajo v nov odnos do sebe, do svojega potenciala biti drugačen in nov ali biti drug.

V čakanju na let se vzpostavi naključni kolektiv potnikov, ki nihajo med virtualno in resnično prisotnostjo. Dramatični in humorni trenutki napetosti so postavljeni na hiper postmoderno prizorišče, ki vdira v nas in izpostavlja naša najbolj krhka in intimna človeška stanja.

Ustvarjalci predstave Human raziskujejo vpliv mobilnosti na identiteto posameznika. S fragmentacijo družbe virtualna skupnost nadomešča pripadnost svojemu plemenu. Je migracija nujna za preživetje vrste? Nas izkoreninjenost približa avtentičnemu sebi ali povzroči, da izgubimo stik s sabo in s svojim človeškim tropom? Je sodobna skupnost dovolj, da zadovolji našo potrebo po sočloveku?

About the performance

Dance performance Human by Kjara's Dance Project collective takes place at an airport terminal. Airport represents a global stage, a place of maximum tension between the man made and the natural, the technological and the organic. The choreography of scanning, security checks and waiting lines represents the rituals of control that put us in a new relationship with ourselves, with our potential of being different, new, or being other.

While waiting for the flight, a coincidental collective of passengers emerges, oscillating between the virtual and the real presence. Dramatic and humorous moments of tension are set on a hyper postmodern scene that invades us and brings out our most fragile and intimate human states.

The creators of Human explore the effect of mobility on our identity. With the fragmentation of society, the virtual community is replacing tribal affiliation. Is migration necessary for the survival of the species? Does our uprooted existence bring us closer to the authentic self, or does it cause us to lose touch with ourselves and our human pack? Is contemporary society enough to satisfy our need for a fellow human being?

Izseček iz kritike

“Human. Plesna dovršenost, izraznost in dinamična koreografska uprizoritev aktualnega časa… Kjara Starič Wurst in njeni plesalci z novim projektom navdušili polno Linhartovo dvorano… Zgodba kar neposredno in aktualno odseva vsakdan letališkega/-ih terminala/-ov, izpiše pa se v plesnih presežkih in visokih zahtevah plesne tehnike, ki nosi kreativen avtoričin pečat.” Daliborka Podboj, Parada plesa

Excerpt from press review

“Human. Dance perfection, expressiveness and dynamic choreographic staging of the current times... Kjara Starič Wurst and her dancers impressed the full Linhart Hall with a new project... The story directly and topically reflects the daily life of (an) airport terminal (s), and is written in dance superlatives and high demands of dance technique, bearing the creative seal of the author.” Daliborka Podboj, Dance Parade