+ MSUM - Maistrova ulica 3
Umetniško vodstvo / Artistic Direction: ANDREA K. SCHLEHWEIN
Ustvarjalci in izvajalci / Creators & Performers: NETZWERK AKS, AURELIUSZ RYS, JYE HWEI LIN
Produkcijska asistenca / Assistant of Production: BRIGITTE BÜSKEN
Produkcija / Produced by: BÜRO FÜR TANZ | THEATER | PRODUKTIONEN 2021
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
Performans je zasnovan kot instalacija v galerijskem prostoru z dvema plesalcema - Jye Hwei Lin, Aureliusz Rys; brez kakršnihkoli zvočnih dodatkov. Devetdesetminutna koreografirana predstava zabriše mejo med odrskim prostorom, polnim akcije, ter nedotaknjenim prostorom za občinstvo. Občinstvo vstopi na prizorišče predstave, kjer se objekti in plesalca premikajo in so premikani.
Andrea K. Schlehwein v svoji najnovejši predstavi razkriva privlačnost medosebnih motenj, ki nastajajo na meseni meji telesa in prodirajo globoko do kosti. svetle stvari + temačne stvari je zelo intenzivna, čustveno zahtevna plesna poezija, ki ponuja pogumen in v končni fazi spravljiv pogled na naša (med)osebna brezna.
light things + dark things is a choreographed ninety-minute action that is bare of any sound additions. Arranged as an installation in which the boundary between the actions filled stage space and the “untouched” audience space disappears. The audience enters the site of the action where the objects and the dancers move and are being moved in their immediate form of being-there and being-such.
In her latest piece, Andrea K. Schlehwein reveals the attraction of interpersonal disruption that takes place at the carnal boundary of the body and penetrates deep down to the bones. What is destroyed and remains destroyed in the violent interaction is nevertheless impalpable, as the human being's capacity for physical regeneration is more reliable than its resilience. light things + dark things is a highly intense, emotionally challenging dance poem that offers a courageous and ultimately conciliatory look at our (inter)personal abysses.