10.9.2013 – 21.00 – HIT - PREMIERA
Matej Kejžar
plesna predstava – solo / solo dance performance
Koreograf in izvajalec / Choreography & performed by: Matej Kejžar
Glasba in izvedba glasbe v živo / Music and live music: Marjan Stanić
Lučno oblikovanje / Lighting design: Petra Veber in Hipi Jaja
Tehnični vodja / Technical director : Hipi Jaja
Tehnična podpora/ Technical Support: Aljaž Zaletel
Producent / Producer: Žiga Predan
Produkcija / Produced by: Pekinpah/Kink Kong
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
PREMIERA / Premiere: 10.9.2013 ob/at 21.00
Ponovitev / Reprise: 11.9.2013 ob/at 21.00
Predstava traja/ Duration: 70'
Vstopnice/ Tickets: 12/8 € (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci/ scholars, students, seniors) uro pred predstavo v gledališču/ and hour before the performance in the theatre venue.
INFO./Rez.: 040-505-047; ziga.predan@kinkkong.org
Po večletnem delu s svetovno priznano skupino Rosas se z novo solo predstavo koreograf in plesalec Matej Kejžar vrača nazaj k telesu, k osvoboditvi konotacij in vztrajnosti v izčrpanosti. Skupaj z bobnarjem Marjanom Stanićem se v tem 70-minutnem šusu z udarci približata mirovanju. Odlična predstava dveh izkušenih umetnikov!
Matej Kejžar
Diplomiral na SNDO, Amsterdam v 1998 in končal X-Group, podiplomski študij programa P.A.R.T.S. v Bruslju. Od takrat deluje na področju uprizoritvenih umetnosti kot plesalec, koreograf in učitelj.
Leta 1998 je v Plesnem Teatru Ljubljana svoj plesni prvenec PTL z naslovom Distanca. Ustvaril je številne koreografije z različnimi produkcijskimi hišami npr.: Plesni Teater Ljubljana, SEAD, Cankarjev Dom, Exodos, Maska itd.
Koreografije Senser, duet Občutno občasno in solo za dva Brulesque so uprizorjene po številnih mednarodnih festivalih. V zadnjih letih koreografira predstave s študenti zadnjih letnikov SEAD v Salzburgu in SNDO v Amsterdamu. Kejžar redno poučuje sodobno tehniko, improvizacijo in kompozicijo po številnih šolah in univerzah kot npr.: P.A.R.T.S., SEAD, SNDO. Kot mentor sodeluje z mednarodnimi produkcijskimi hišami kot so Ultima Vez, Rosas in En-Knap. Njegova dela so bila predstavljena po celem svetu, med drugim v Avstriji, Rusiji, Italiji, Indiji, Tajvanu, Španiji, Kitajski, Bolgariji, Srbiji, Hrvaški, Grčiji, Turčiji, Nizozemski, Poljski itd. Kot plesalec je v zadnjem času deloval v skupini Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, Belgija v produkcijah The Song (2011) in Cesena (2009), ki sta bili skupno do zdaj uprizorjene več kot 137 krat po celem svetu. V letu 2009 ustanovi mednarodni projekt Pajek, ki združuje izbrane umetnike iz Slovenije, Francije, Belgije, Nemčije, Hrvaške in Grčije na mednarodnih potujočih festivalih po vsej Evropi.
After several years working for renowned Belgium dance company Rosas, choreographer and dancer Matej Kejžar returns to the PTL stage with his new performance HIT. A symphony of body, of freeing the connotations and persistence in exhaustion were the guideline to the creation. Together with the drummer Marjan Stanić, these 70 minutes long avalanche of hope will drive the performance of hard-hitting to stillness. An outstanding performance by two experienced artists!
Matej Kejžar
Matej Kejžar was born in 1974 in Kranj, Slovenia. After secondary school he continued to study Chemistry in Ljubljana. Turning 18 he took his first contemporary class, that was given to him as a present. Two years later he entered SNDO (School for New Dance Development) in Amsterdam. After finishing SNDO, he joined The X-Group, post graduation program at P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels. During his study, he got invited to join Trisha Brown repertoire workshops in New York, where he finished a semester. After his studies he got back to Ljubljana, continuing to work in the performing arts field as a choreographer and teacher of contemporary dance techniques.
In 1998 he created his first dance piece - Choreographic Debut PTL entitled Distance at PTL - Dance Theatre Ljubljana. He worked with several production houses from Ljubljana like PTL-Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Maska, Exodos, Emanat etc. From 2002 he started to work worldwide. As a guest choreographer and teacher he was invited to P.A.R.T.S., SNDO, SEAD, TSEH, TUNA, Deltebre Danza, Les Subsistance, DejaDonné, ZPA, etc. Since 2009 he lives in Brussels, working as a member of Rosas / Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker on two creations and tourings of The Song and Cesena. In 2009 he created, in collaboration with Pekinpah / Kink Kong, cultural organisation in Ljubljana, Spider Net, net of independent cultural organisations, joining 7 EU cities: Athens, Zagreb, Salzburg, Berlin, Brussels, Lyon, Ljubljana. Combining dance, visual art, dance writings and music net organises Spider Events in form of platforms ,where research of dance remains the main focus. www.spiderontheedge.org. Since 2009 Matej has been working on his own practice called Time & Space Re-Mixed. Following the same Re-Mix idea he created "Senser" 2010, "Edge 36.5", "Architecture for better living" & "Duet".