Sinja Ožbolt
Idejna zasnova in koreografija/ Concept and Choreography: Sinja Ožbolt
Soustvarjalke koreografije in izvedba/ Co-creators of choregraphy and performance: Mojca Dimec, Nina Fajdiga, Jana Menger, Vita Osojnik, Petra Pikalo
Dramaturgija/ Dramaturgy: Jasmina Založnik
Oblikovanje svetlobe/ Lighting design: David Orešič
Oblikovanje glasbe/ Sound design: Vanja Novak
Kostumografija/ Costume design: Tina Pavlin
Izvršna producentka/ Executive producer: Jasmina Založnik
Produkcija/ Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo in Mestna občina Ljubljana.
The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana/ Dance Theatre Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Ljubljana.
Promo trailer:
INFO./,, facebook * 041-707-475
Vstopnice/Tickets: 12/8 € (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci/scholars, students, pensioneers)uro pred predstavo v gledališču/ and hour before the performance in the theatre venue.
»V to hladno naravo ne prodre noben žarek skrivnostnega, ki človeka pogosto objame z nevidnimi rokami; vidi le pisano površino sveta in se kot otročji otrok veseli le zlato lesketajočega se plodu, v njegovi notranjosti pa je skrit strup.« (E. T. A. Hoffmann: Peskar, prevedli: Doris Debenjak in Mojca Savski)
»V premišljeno strukturirano predstavo Danes zadnjikrat, ki jo odlikuje izvedba nastopajočih, … , je mogoče vstopiti tudi skozi »večno temo« koreografinje Sinje Ožbolt – skozi razmerje med plesom in telesom, med svobodo, kreativnostjo in avtomatizmom.« (M. Kumerdej, Delo)
Plesalka, koreografinja in pedagoginja Sinja Ožbolt velja za eno ključnih osebnosti sodobnega plesa na Slovenskem. Študirala je na šolah in seminarjih modernega/sodobnega plesa v Londonu (London Contemporary Dance School), Ljubljani, Dunaju, Zagrebu, Mariboru, Rovinju in drugod. Je ena od ustanovnih članic Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana in Društva za sodobni ples Slovenije. Plesala in koreografirala je v vseh večjih sodobnih plesnih skupinah in gledališčih. Poučuje tudi na Umetniški gimnaziji, smer Sodobni ples.
»Of the Mysterious which often clasps man in its invisible arms there's not a ray can find its way into this cold heart. She sees only the varied surface of the things of the world, and, like the little child, is pleased with the golden glittering fruit, at the kernel of which lies the fatal poison.« (E. T. A. Hoffmann: The Sand-Man, translated by J.Y. Bealby)
»Into a thoughtfully structured performance Today for the last time which is distinguished for the implementation of the performers…, one can also enter into the »eternal darkness« of choreographer Sinja Ožbolt – through the relation between dance and body, between freedom, creativity and automatism.« (M. Kumerdej, Delo)
Dancer, choreographer, pedagogue Sinja Ožbolt is one of the key personalities of contemporary dance in Slovenia. She studied at schools, academies and seminars of modern/contemporary dance in London (London Contemporary Dance School), Ljubljana, Vienna, Zagreb, Maribor, Rovinj etc. She is one of the founder members of Plesni Teater Ljubljana and Society for contemporary dance Slovenia. She danced and choreographed in most of bigger contemporary dance groups and theatres. She is one of the members of the Artistic Board of PTL. She also teaches at the Art Gymnasium, Department for contemporary dance.