25. 6. - Maribor - Trg svobode - 21.30
27. 6. - Ljubljana - letni vrt Cukrarne - 21:00 *Obvestilo: Zaradi slabega vremena bo performans v Plesnem Teatru Ljubljana!
Izvedba / Performed by: WONGYOUNG KIM, KISUB CHOI
Koreografija / Choreography, Direction: KISUB CHOI, SINAE RHA
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: EUNBIN HA
Kostumografija / Costume Design: HOJIN JEONG
Oblikovanje zvoka / Sound Design: ONYOO NA
Oblikovanje luči / Lighting Design: YEONHWA GONG
Producent / Producer: SOOHYE JANG
Video / Videography: JUHO PARK
Trio A koreografija / Trio A Original Choreography: YVONNE RAINER
Postajati-plesalec je sodobno plesni duet plesalca na invalidskem vozičku, Wonyoungoma Kima, in Kisuba Choima, gibalno neoviranega plesalca, ki se poleg Sinae Rha podpisuje tudi kot soavtor koreografije. Duet za izhodiščno točko svojega ustvarjanja jemlje odprtost in obračanje sodobnega plesa h gibanju. V duetu se umetnika referirata na delo ameriške plesalke Yvonne Rainer z naslovom Trio A. Če vsako gibanje lahko postane ples, ali velja to tudi za negibno oziroma gibalno ovirano telo? Izkaže se, da je za razvoj sodobnega plesa bolj kot gibanje pomembna sama zavest in predstava o telesu samem, kakršnokoli to že je. Postajati-plesalec razširja sodobni ples vse do ničte točke svojega izvora; ne ustavi se pri gibanju, temveč pri telesu samem. Zato Postajati-plesalec ni zgodba o različnih telesih temveč o telesu kot razliki.
Wonyoung Kim je odvetnik in pisatelj uspešnic, ki se redno pojavlja na odru v svojem invalidskem vozičku. Kot umetnika ga zanima predvsem človeška eksistenca onkraj jezika, zanj to predstavlja telo, ki se po njegovem mnenju upira vsaki regulaciji.
YYIN je umetniški kolektiv, ki deluje v Seoulu, Južna Koreja. Predstavljata ga koreograf in plesalec Kisub Choi ter koreograf in dramaturg Sinae Rha. Njuno delo se osredotoča na odnos med plesom in koreografijo.
If dance is open to all movement, is all movement open to every body? When every movement becomes dance, how do we imagine the body dancing it? Now it is not the movement but the body that has to be questioned in order to examine the notion of dance. Wonyoung and Kisub revisit Yvonne Rainer's Trio A in this piece. It may radicalise the egalitarian promise implicit in the original work and relieve the promise here and now. It is radical not in that it shows different bodies on stage but in that it questions the notion of the body itself.
Wonyoung Kim is a lawyer, author of bestselling books and actor, who made a number of stage appearances on his wheelchair. As an artist, however, he has been deeply concerned with the fact that there is a certain crucial aspect of being which defies any kind of regulation: the body.
Project YYIN is an artist collective, based in Seoul, South Korea, consisting of choreographer/dancer Kisub Choi and choreographer/dramaturg Sinae Rha. They have been working on the relationship between dance and choreography.
F: Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture