S podporo / Supported by : BIDAM, KAMS
26. 6. - Maribor - Trg svobode - 17.00
27. 6. - Ljubljana - letni vrt Cukrarne - 21.00 *Obvestilo: Zaradi slabega vremena bo performans v Plesnem Teatru Ljubljana!
Koreografija, izvedba / Choreographed by, Performed by: SEAHYUN LEE, EUNGYO SON
Pri soočanju s krizami si delimo fizična čutila. Gre za vrsto neizogibnih nesreč in virusov. Napenjamo se, krčimo in držimo distanco. Toda vse to ni individualna kriza, ampak kolektivna kriza, s katero se je treba spoprijeti. V njej se oblikuje mreža nevidnih rok v pomoč. Nismo sami. Jaz obstajam zate in ti obstajaš za nas.
We share our physical senses when coping with crises. It is a series of inevitable disasters and viruses. We strain and contract and keep our distance. But all of this is not a crisis alone, but this is everyone's crisis to be dealt with. In it, a network of invisible helping hands is formed. We are not alone. I exist for you and you exist for us.
F: Darae Jeong, STRUGGLE
Avtorstvo in izvedba / Authorship, Performance: DARAE JEONG
Želim si pobegniti iz tega vsakdanjega življenja, vendar je nemogoče.
Potem se zavem, da sem kot zvijajoči se črv, in se trudim pobegniti.
Kakšna so moja gibanja in od kod izvirajo?
Kako vidiš samega sebe, ko se boriš?
Z gibanjem želim gledalcem pokazati svoje misli.
I want to escape from this mundane life, but I can't.
Then I realise, I'm like a wriggling worm.
Wouldn't the figure be me, struggling to get away?
What are my struggling or wriggling movements and where do they come from?
How do you see yourself as you are struggling?
I want to convey my thoughts to the audience by movement.