Veronika Valdés
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Avtorstvo, koreografija in ples / Authorship, Choreography & Dance: VERONIKA VALDÉS
Soustvarjanje in ples / Co-creation & Dance: JANA MENGER
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: ANDREJA KOPAČ
Glasba / Music: MATEVŽ KOLENC, Erik Satie - Gnossienne no.1
Oblikovanje luči in kostumov / Lighting and Costume Design: PETRA VEBER
Tehnična podpora in izvedba / Technical Support & Execution: ALJAŽ ZALETEL
Kreativna producentka / Creative Producer: KATJA SOMRAK
Produkcija / Produced by: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA 2019 – AVTORSKI OPUS
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: VITKAR ZAVOD
Zahvala / Thanks to: BRANKO POTOČAN
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
O predstavi
Večerja je lahko ugodje in bližina, večerja je lahko boj; kdaj prevlada eno ali drugo? Plesalki in koreografinji Veronika Valdes in Jana Menger v Dark Dinner dinamično potujeta skozi različen(ne) prostor(e) med njima in onkraj njiju ter nama ponujata svoj vsakokratni večerni menu; poglede, geste, zastoje / kosti, grabežljivost, lakoto / uravnovešenje, spopadanje, ujetost. Spopadanje med svojim notranjim glasom in zunanjo podobo ustvarja niz podvojitev, ki jih lahko beremo tako na polju posameznikove intime kot zgodovine bojev, dobljenih za zeleno mizo. Kar ostane za tem, je voda kot prapočelo vsega ter kosti, ki (si) jih mečemo in/ali jih skupaj glodamo. Dark Dinner je zato oboje; tako ugodje kot tesnoba – kakor tudi niz vmesnih stanj med realnimi in umišljenimi svetovi, ki si jih ljudje (vedno znova) ustvarjamo.
About the performance
Dinner can be a delight and closeness, dinner can be a struggle; when does one or the other prevail? In Dark Dinner, dancers and choreographers Veronika Valdes and Jana Menger dynamically travel through the different space(s) between them and beyond them, offering us their evening menus; glances, gestures, congestions / bones, greediness, hunger / balancing, confronting, entrapment. The confrontation between one’s inner voice and external image creates a series of duplications which can be read both in the field of individual intimacy and the history of the fights won at the green table. What remains is water, as the primary source of everything, and bones, which are being thrown (at each other) and/or gnawed on together. Therefore, Dark Dinner is both delight and anxiety – as well as a series of intermediate states between real and imagined worlds which people (repeatedly) create.
Izsek iz kritike
“Obe akterki, Jana in Veronika, prepričljivo ter zrelo gradita zasnovano atmosfero odnosov dveh oseb, dveh žensk. Teža tematike je idejno vešče zgoščena, docela slikovito izpisana v dobri zasnovi njune plesne konotacije.” Daliborka Podboj, Parada plesa
Excerpt from press review
“Both performers, Jana and Veronika, are convincingly and maturely building a designed atmosphere of relationships between two people, two women. The weight of the theme is skillfully concentrated, fully pictured in a good conception of their dance connotation.” Daliborka Podboj, Dance Parade