Festival GIBANICA 2013 v PTL
Slovenska plesna platforma/ Slovenian Dance Platform
Glavni program/Main Programme
Dragana Alfirević
ARE MADE OF THIS / soiztega
koncept /concept: Dragana Alfirević
kreacija /created by: Dragana Alfirević, Ma’ayan Danoch, Esta Matković, Ivan Mijačević
izvedba /performed by: Dragana Alfirević, Engin Can, Esta Matković, Ivan Mijačević
ton/sound: Ivan Mijačević
vizualna podoba/visual identity: Dragana Alfirević
tehnična podpora/technical support: PTL
producentka/producer: Živa Brecelj
produkcija/produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
koprodukcija/co-production: Jardin d’Europe/ Nomad Dance Academy / STATION service for contemporary dance Belgrade/ LOKOMOTIVA centre for new initiatives in the arts Skopje
zahvala/ thanks to: Gregor Kamnikar, Tatjana Tucić, Bojan Vister
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in sport ter Mestna občina Ljubljana. Projekt je z evropskimi sredstvi finančno podprl Jardin d’Europe
The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of education, science, culture and sport, and by the Municipality of Ljubljana. This project is financially supported with European funds by Jardin d’Europe.
DANES/TODAY ob/at 17.00
Vstopnice/Tickets: predprodaja Cankarjev dom in uro pred predstavo v gledališču/ Advance sales Cakarjev dom and an hour before the performance in the theatre
INFO./REZ.: 041-707-475, ptl@mail.ljudmila.org, www.ptl.si
O predstavi:
are made of this / soiztega je predstava, ki je zasnovana na raziskavi prostora med nami in drugimi, v raziskovanju ljubezni kot predpogoja za kakršenkoli odnos z drugimi ter naše avtonomije znotraj teh odnosov. Razkrivamo telo kot prizorišče različnih oblik pogajanja in borb ter kot prostor, kjer vsi dogodki sčasoma pustijo sledi. Želimo razumeti vzgibe telesa, na eni strani kot subjekta, ki ni nedolžen v svoji komunikaciji s svetom ter na drugi strani kot objekta, ki trpi posledice in in je nezmožen vplivanja na odločitve. Vsak od nas je avtonomen subjekt, zaprt v lastna polja razumevanja. Ko rečemo: “Razumem te”, koliko smo zares lahko naklonjeni tistim, ki jih “razumemo”, če smo vedno izključno zaprti v lastne izkušnje? Če nas je strah, da bi se preveč odprli, obsedeni sami s sabo - s svojimi mislimi, čustvi in željami; strah biti odprt ali ranljiv. Kako objektivna je lahko predstava o izkušnji nekoga drugega? Kje so meje obeh izkušenj? Naklonjenost drugemu posamezniku kaže neko zanimanje in odpira možen dialog med dvema (ali več) biti/posameznikov/skupin. Ali lahko lastno izkušnjo kadarkoli popolnoma delimo? Predstava se sooča s subjektivnim razumevanjem realnosti in akcij, ki jih zavzamemo, da bi jo spremenili ter z nezmožnostjo objektivnosti. Kaj se zgodi, ko naše subjektivno razumevanje komunicira? Dragana Alfirević
O Avtorici:
Dragana Alfirević je koreografinja in performerka. Rojena je leta 1976 v Beogradu. Študirala je zgodovino umetnosti in ima diplomo specialističnega študija 'Body Unlimited' Akademije Dramskih Umetnosti v Novem Sadu. Med letoma 1998 in 2003 je vodila Craft Teatar, neodvisno umetniško skupino. V obdobju 1998-2010 je bila avtorica in so-avtorica več projektov, realiziranih v različnih državah. Dragana je iniciatorka in soustanoviteljica nekaterih najbolj uspešnih projektov sodobnega plesa v regiji: Program Nomad Dance Academy ter Stanica, servis za savremeni ples v Beogradu, v sklopu katerega deluje tudi festival sodobnega plesa Kondenz. Dragana od leta 2006 živi in ustvarja v Ljubljani.
are made of this is a performance based on the research of the space between us and others, on exploring love as precondition of any relation with others, and our autonomy within these relations. We reveal the body as the site for different kinds of negotiations and battles, and the place where all events eventually leave traces. We want to understand the motivations of the body, on the one hand as a subject, which is not innocent in its communication with the world, and as an object, which suffers the consequences and is unable to influence decisions on the other. Each one of us is an autonomous subject and closed in within his/her circles of understanding. When we say: “ I understand you”, how much can we really empathise with the ones we love, if we are always closed in our own experiences only? If we remain scared of opening up too much, obsessed with ourselves – own thoughts, feelings, and wishes; scared to be open or vulnerable. How objective can the impression of the other’s experience be? Where are the boundaries of the two experiences? Empathy toward another individual shows an interest and opens a possible dialog between the two (or more) entities/individuals/groups. Can we ever absolutely share the empathic experience? What kind of interest do we have in pretending? What can we read through pretence? The performance deals with subjective understanding of the reality and actions that we take to change it, and the impossibility of objectiveness. What happens when our subjective understandings communicate? Dragana Alfirević
About the Author:
Dragana Alfirević is choreographer and performer. She was born in 1976 in Belgrade. She studied history of Art and bears the diploma for specialized study ‘ Body Unlimited' at the Academy for Drama Arts in Novi Sad. Between 1998 and 2003 she lead an independent artistic group Craft Teatar. Between 1998-2010 she was the author and co-author of several projects which were realized in several countries. Dragana in the initiator and founder of some of the most successful projects in contemporary dance in the region: the programme Nomad Dance Academy and Stanica/ Station, servis for contemporary dance in Belgrade, within which also acts the festival for contemporary dance Kondenz. From 2006 Dragana lives and works in Ljubljana.