5. Ljubljanski festival kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje
Sanja in Till Frühwald
BAJA BUF / Biba leze
dogodek za malčke 12-20 mesecev in njihove odrasle
happening for babies 12-20 months and their grown ups
Izvajalci/ performers: Sanja Früchwald, Dado Ćosić, Asher O'Gorman, Raphael Nicholas
glasba/ music: Damir Šimunović
scenografija in kostumi/ set design and costumes: VRUM
Produkcija/ produced by: VRUM and Špancirfest / Kreativfest (Hrvaška)
Podpora/ support: vrtci "Dječji svijet" and "Bajka" Varaždin
Gostovanje s podporo Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana
trajanje/ duration: cca 45 min.
DANES/ today ob/at 11.00
Rezervacije nujne: 041-707-475
"Baja Buf" je dogodek, predstava in igra. "Baja Buf" je proslava – praznovanje nedolžnega življenja! Prizorišče predstave za najmlajše je velik in mehak prostor. Kaj se zgodi, ko malček v varnem prostoru dobi popolno svobodo, z njim pa je nekdo, ki je pozoren na vsak njegov gib, zvok ali razpoloženje? Otroci te starosti se želijo svobodno gibati in spoznavati svet okoli sebe s pomočjo lastnega telesa, ki je njihovo sredstvo primarne komunikacije. Vsi prisotni vsakič znova ustvarijo novo predstavo, kot udeleženci ali gledalci, ki se združijo v nov način opazovanja, gibanja in komunikacijo.
O Avtorici:
Sanja Tropp Frühwald, rojena 1978 na Hrvaškem, je koreografinja, plesalka in plesna pedagoginja. Diplomirala je na Salzburški eksperimentalni akademiji za ples (SEAD). Sodelovala je z mnogimi hrvaškimi in tujimi koreografi in režiserji (Tanja Zgonc, Charles Linehan, Matej Kejžar, Ted Stoffer, Matsune&Subal, Eileen Standley, Ori Flomin, Bad Co., Petra Hrašćanec (dance_lab collective) / Saša Božić (de facto), kainkollektiv…). Je avtorica številnih plesnih projektov (Morning; Birds, birds, birds; Flutter; Moving south; Almost; Something to do with death; Museum of movement no.8; Tainted; Focka; Vanishing Acts, Act 2, Act 3 & Act 4; Premiere (production: Gytis Ivanauskas Theatre Vilnius Lithuania); Bones; Bones (revisited); LARGE (coproduction with STUDIO Contemporary Dance Company Zagreb), multimedijskih predstav (I think I see myself on CCTV; Stand in motion;…) in fotografskih performansov (Movement museum, Bloody wedding; Strawberry fields forever; The jump;…), kot tudi interaktivnih predstav za mlado publiko (Baja Buf). Za svoje delo je bila nagrajena doma in v tujini, med drugim je bila leta 2005 predstavnica Hrvaške na Bienalu mladih umetnikov Evrope in Mediterana v Neaplju v Italiji, leta 2007 je prejela tudi nagrado za najboljšo hrvaško mlado koreografinjo.
Sanja je tudi umetniški vodja in producentka kolektiva uprizoritvenih umetnosti VRUM, ki ga močno zanima aspekti sodelovanja in raznolikosti bivanja. VRUM redefinira svojo prisotnost v procesu vsakič na novo pri vsaki produkciji, instalaciji ali performativnem delu. Od leta 2009 je Sanja tudi kuratorka festivala Dnevi sodobnega plesa, Varaždin, Hrvaška.
‘Baja Buf’ is an event, a play and a game. It takes place in a large soft tent providing a safe and calm environment. ‘Baja Buf’ is a celebration - a celebration of innocent life! What happens when a baby is given full freedom of a safe space, with a person who follows and reflects his/her every move, sound and mood? Children of this age have a natural desire for spontaneous, free movement, investigating the space they find themselves in and the world around them, using their body as their primary means of communication. Everyone present creates a new play every time, either by participating in or by bearing witness, and becomes connected through a new way of observing, moving and communication.
About the Author:
Sanja Tropp Frühwald, born in 1978. in Croatia, choreographer, author and dancer, graduated at Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (SEAD). She was collaborating with many croatian and foreign choreographers and directors (Tanja Zgonc, Charles Linehan, Matej Kejžar, Ted Stoffer, Matsune&Subal, Eileen Standley, Ori Flomin, Bad Co., Petra Hrašćanec (dance_lab collective) / Saša Božić (de facto), kainkollektiv…). She is the author of a variety of dance projects (Morning; Birds, birds, birds; Flutter; Moving south; Almost; Something to do with death; Museum of movement no.8; Tainted; Focka; Vanishing Acts, Act 2, Act 3 & Act 4; Premiere (production: Gytis Ivanauskas Theatre Vilnius Lithuania); Bones; Bones (revisited); LARGE (coproduction with STUDIO Contemporary Dance Company Zagreb), multimedial performances (I think I see myself on CCTV; Stand in motion;…) and photo performances (Movement museum, Bloody wedding; Strawberry fields forever; The jump;…), as well as interactive performances for young audiences (Baja Buf). She was awarded for her work at home and abroad, among others as a Croatian representative at Biennale of young artists of Europe and Mediterranea in 2005 in Naples, Italy, in 2007 she was also awarded as the best croatian young choreographer.
Sanja is also the artistic leader and a producer of performing arts collective VRUM, which takes a strong interest in collaborative aspects and diversity of being. VRUM redefines its presence in the process anew for every production, installation or performative work. From 2009 Sanja also curates the dance program of festival Days of contemporary dance in Varaždin, Croatia.