Omar Rajeh (LB)
Lebanese choreographer and dancer Omar Rajeh is founder of the Beirut International Platform of Dance (BIPOD), currently working between Beirut and Lyon. In his choreographic works, he questions the perception of unity and singularity of the body, seeking an extraordinary physical presence through vigorous movements with strong socio-political connections.
Omar‘s workshop is designed to bring a new approach of looking at the body and for acquiring new choreographic tools that help the artists in their creative processes. His approach facilitates infinite levels of meaning and it breaks through the centrality of the body and frees it from its static form. The body develops interactive relationships that give it dynamism, presence and meaning. It highlights the different possibilities, combinations and inner-relationships of a composition. Omar opens up a broader perspective of choreography and dance based on the inner impulses of the body, not on its purely physical form. Movement becomes an urgency for being and for generating meaning. The body is rather in the doing than in the showing.
Libanonski koreograf in plesalec Omar Rajeh, ki trenutno deluje med Bejrutom in Lyonom, je ustanovitelj Bejrutske mednarodne platforme za ples (BIPOD). V svojih koreografskih delih preizprašuje dojemanje enotnosti in singularnosti telesa, išče izjemno fizično prisotnost skozi energične gibe z močnimi družbeno-političnimi povezavami.
Omarjeva delavnica je zasnovana tako, da prinaša nov pristop gledanja na telo in pridobivanje novih koreografskih orodij, ki umetnikom pomagajo pri njihovih ustvarjalnih procesih. Njegov pristop omogoča neskončne ravni pomena in prebija središče telesa ter ga osvobaja njegove statične forme. Telo razvija interaktivne odnose, ki mu dajejo dinamiko, prisotnost in pomen. Poudarja različne možnosti, kombinacije in notranje odnose kompozicije. Omar odpira širšo perspektivo koreografije in plesa, ki temelji na notranjih vzgibih telesa, ne pa na njegovi zgolj fizični obliki. Gibanje postane nujnost bivanja in ustvarjanja smisla. Telo je prej v početju kot v prikazovanju.
Delavnica bo potekala 21. oktobra od 16. do 21. ure. Cena za udeležbo je 50€ / The workshop will be held on 21th of October from 4 pm until 9 pm. The participatory fee is 50€.
Prijave in več informacij o delavnici / Applications and more information about the workshop
Finančna podpora / Supported by: Teatroskop; program ustanovljen s strani francoskega ministrstva za Evropo in zunanje zadeve, francoskega ministrstva za kulturo in francoskega Inštituta Paris / Teatroskop; a program initiated by French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, French Ministry of Culture and Institut français Paris
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture