Omar Rajeh (LB / FR)
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Koncept, scenografija, koreografija / Concept, Scenography & Choreography: OMAR RAJEH
Pomočnica koreografa / Assistant Choreographer: MIA HABIS
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: PEGGY OLISLAEGERS
Glasba / Music Composition: JOSS TURNBULL, CHARBEL HABER
Oblikovanje svetlobe, tehnično vodstvo / Lighting Design & Technical Director: CHRISTIAN FRANÇOIS
S podporo / With the support of the: DRAC AUVERGNE RHÔNE-ALPES
Koprodukcija gostovanja / Co-Production of Tour: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA
Finančna podpora / Supported by: Teatroskop; program ustanovljen s strani francoskega ministrstva za Evropo in zunanje zadeve, francoskega ministrstva za kulturo in francoskega Inštituta Paris / Teatroskop; a program initiated by French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, French Ministry of Culture and Institut français Paris
About performance:
Omar Rajeh travels back into the past. Alone onstage, he dances and speaks of an intimate past that exists no more, of a fading image, and a deceiving one as well. A past that did not transfer into a future but one that was stopped. The images, the meanings, the feelings, the people, the happy moments, everything froze. As if today he deals with a World with no past. As if the story of today do not fit with the past images of his life.
O projektu:
Omar Rajeh potuje nazaj v preteklost. Sam na odru pleše in pripoveduje o intimni preteklosti, ki ne obstaja več, o zbledeli podobi, ki je hkrati tudi zavajajoča. Preteklost, ki se ni pretvorila v prihodnost ampak preteklost, ki je bila zaustavljena. Podobe, pomeni, občutki, ljudje, veseli trenutki, vse je zamrznilo. Kakor da danes umetnik žonglira s Svetom brez zgodovine. Kakor da današnja zgodba ni v kohezivnem ravnovesju s podobami umetnikovega preteklega življenja.
“As usual, one cannot leave Omar Rajeh’s performance and remain the same person.”
Aline Mourani
“Nemogoče je zapustiti performans Omarja Rajeha in ostati ista oseba.”
Aline Mourani
“In the form of three fluidly interlocking acts (...) the viewer is presented with a veritable overflow of sensual images of state: full of subtle dramatics that reflect what is going on in a man whose homeland has long been torn apart by civil war and then by a terrible catastrophe. (...) In “Dance is not for us”, dance becomes a source of hope and a participative inspiration. ”
Vesna Mlakar, Die Deutsche Bühne
“V obliki treh prepletenih dejanj (...) je gledalcu predstavljen pravi preliv čutnih podob stanja: poln subtilne dramatike, ki odseva, kaj se dogaja v človeku, čigar domovino že dolgo razdira državljanska vojna in strašna katastrofa. (...) V »Ples ni za nas« ples postane vir upanja in participativni navdih.”
Vesna Mlakar, Die Deutsche Bühne
INFO. / REZ.: 040 345 477,, mojekarte
Vstopnice / Tickets: 12/8€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors) predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v našem gledališču / booking in advance or an hour before the performance at our theatre
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture