12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 19., 20. & 21. 12. 2024 ob /at 20.00
10., 11., 12. 1. 2025 ob /at 20.00
Ivana Djilas
KNJIGA MOJIH ŽIVLJENJ (Aleksandar Hemon) / BOOK OF MY LIVES (Aleksandar Hemon)
plesna predstava / dance performance
Režija in adaptacija besedila / Direction and Text adaptation: IVANA DJILAS
Dramaturgija in avtorstvo adaptacije besedila / Dramaturgy and Authorship of Text adaptation: GORAN VOJNOVIĆ
Oblikovanje videa / Video design: VESNA KREBS
Kostumografija / Costume: JELENA PROKOVIĆ
Scenografija / Scenography: SARA SLIVNIK
Oblikovanje luči in tehnične rešitve / Light design and Technical solutions: JANKO OVEN
Glasba, video snemanje in oblikovanje zvoka / Music, Video Recording and Sound Design: BETI STRGAR
About project:
“At the end of 2022, there were 108.4 million displaced people in the world. Every month, there are more and more hotspots in the world due to conflict or poverty. More and more people are leaving their homes due to climate change. We are currently relocating entire villages in Slovenia due to floods and landslides. In almost every school we have Russian and Ukrainian children, as well as children from the Balkans, from the former Yugoslav countries. An ageing population and labour shortages will lead to increased migration. The topic of migration and the integration of displaced persons into a new environment is a topic that we will encounter more and more often. And that's my theme. I know what it's like to be invisible. I know what it's like when it doesn't matter whether you get out of bed in the morning or not, because nobody notices. I know what it's like to wonder if you did the right thing to leave your city, your country, wandering the streets without money or context. It's time for me to make a performance about these feelings. And Alexander Hemon wrote a book that I wanted to write, but I didn't know how to write. The book of my lives.”
Ivana Djilas
O projektu:
“Konec leta 2022 je bilo na svetu 108,4 milijona razseljenih ljudi. Iz meseca v mesec je na svetu več kriznih žarišč zaradi konfliktov ali revščine. Vse več je življenjsko ogroženih ljudi, ki zapuščajo svoje domove zaradi podnebnih sprememb. Trenutno v Sloveniji preseljujemo cele vasi zaradi poplav in plazov. Skoraj v vsaki šoli imamo ruske in ukrajinske otroke, pa tudi otroke z Balkana, iz bivših jugoslovanskih držav. Staranje prebivalstva in pomanjkanje delovne sile bo pripeljalo do povečanih migracij. Tema migracij in vključevanja razseljenih oseb v novo okolje je tema, s katero se bomo vse bolj pogosto srečevali. In to je moja tema. Jaz vem, kako je biti neviden. Vem, kako je, ko je vseeno, če zjutraj vstaneš iz postelje ali ne, ker tega nihče ne opazi. Vem, kako je, ko se sprašuješ, če si prav naredil, da si šel iz svojega mesta, države, ko blodiš po cestah brez denarja in konteksta. Čas je, da naredim predstavo o teh občutkih. In Aleksander Hemon je napisal knjigo, ki bi jo rada jaz napisala, pa nisem znala. Knjigo mojih življenj. “
Ivana Djilas
INFO. / REZ.: 040 345 477, plesniteaterljubljana@gmail.com, mojekarte
Anton Podbevšek teater: https://www.antonpodbevsekteater.si
Vstopnice / Tickets: 12/8€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors) predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v našem gledališču / booking in advance or an hour before the performance at our theatre
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture