F: Drago Videmšek
Kick off meeting mednarodnega plesnega projekta Rail2Dance se je 4. septembra začel v dvorani Plesnega teatra Ljubljana, kjer so se plesalke in plesalci pod mentorstvom Anthonyja Missena med seboj začeli spoznavati, sodelovati in ustvarjati. Najprej so ustvarjalke in ustvarjalci razmislili, kaj jim pomeni javni prostor, kako vanj posegati s telesom in kako se vsakdanje, rutinirano gibanje od točke A do B spremeni, če nam pot preči plesoče telo. /
The kick off meeting of the international dance project Rail2Dance began on September 4 in Plesni Teater Ljubljana, where the dancers, under the mentorship of Anthony Missen, began to get to know each other, collaborate and create. First, the creators considered what public space means to them, how to interfere with it with the body and how the everyday, routine movement changes, if our path crosses a dancing body.



F: Sunčan Stone
Mešanica konceptualne zasnove ter zabavnih intervencij v javni prostor je ustvarila izjemno vzdušje tako med skupino kot tudi med naključnimi posamezniki, ki so prihajali mimo. Plesalke in plesalci so se s svojimi telesi spajali z javno arhitekturno plastiko, igrali košarko z zamaški, ležali na tleh Prešernovega trga, stali in se držali za roke na Čopovi ulici. Kasneje so plesali tudi na vlaku iz Ljubljane v Kamnik in nazaj, stopili so tudi na avtobus in plesne slike ustvarjali na železniški postaji. Zanimali so jih prostori prehajanja, premikanja, raziskovali so javni prostor Ljubljane, ga začeli spreminjati in osvetljevati njegove nevidne kotičke. Vsak izmed njih je poleg praktičnih plesnih intervencij v urbano arhitekturo istočasno razvijali še svojo plesno metodo, razmišljal o svojem mestu in ga primerjali z ustvarjanjem v Ljubljani. /
The mix of conceptual design and fun interventions in the public space created an extraordinary atmosphere both among the group and among random individuals passing by. Dancers joined their bodies with public architectural plastic, played basketball with corks, lay on the floor of Prešeren Square, stood and held hands on Čopova Street. Later, they also danced on the train from Ljubljana to Kamnik and back, they got on the bus and created dance pictures at the train station. They were interested in spaces of passage and movement, they explored the public space of Ljubljana, began to change it and illuminate its invisible corners. In addition to practical dance interventions in urban architecture, each of them simultaneously developed their own dance method, reflected on their city and compared it to the creation in Ljubljana.
F: Katarina Kolenc
S predavanji in praktičnimi vajami Vite Osojnik, Jaaka Simola, Robina Jonssona in Busha Hartshorna so vsi udeleženci in udeleženke dobile orodje za nadaljnji razvoj svojih kreativnih idej. Istočasno so se med seboj povezali, izmenjali znanja in mnenja, s katerim bodo naslednje poletje lahko odšli na pot.13.9. se je uvodni plesni premik zaključil, kar pomeni odskočno desko za razvoj projekta med ostale evropske partnerje. /
With the lectures and practical exercises of Vita Osojnik, Jaak Simol, Robin Jonsson and Bush Hartshorn, all participants got a tool for further development of their creative ideas. At the same time, they connected with each other, exchanged knowledge and opinions, with which they will be able to go on a journey in the summer. 13.9. The introductory dance movement was completed, which means a springboard for the development of the project among other European partners.






F: Drago Videmšek, Kristina Valič, Sunčan Stone