Kaja Lin Jagodič Avguštin
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Avtorstvo, koreografija in izvedba / Authored, Choreographed and Performed by: KAJA LIN J. AVGUŠTIN
Soavtorstvo, koreografija in izvedba / Co-created, Choreographed and Performed by: MICKAEL MARSO RIVIÉRE
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: NATALIJA MANOJLOVIĆ VARGA
Avtor glasbe / Music: DOMENICO ANGARANO
Oblikovanje luči / Light Design: LEON CURK
Izdelava kostuma / Costume Make: SUZANA KRAPEŽ
Svetila / Lamps: NINA SAVIČ - JUGOŠIK
Kreativna producentka / Creative Producer: KATJA SOMRAK
F: Drago Videmšek
About the project:
ORBIT_A is a continuation of Kaja Lin Jagodič Avguštin’s PTL Author’s Opus. Together withco-author Mickael Marso Riviére they explore the process of modern migrations, diverse spectres of internal impulses that trigger displacement and effects that a displacement has on personal growth, on relationships and on identity. Orbit is a track of circular motion, an elliptical but nevertheless repeating motion. An object of lesser mass orbits around an object of greater mass because it cannot resist the force of its gravity.
An orbit is a cycle. An orbit is a routine.
Movement meets its beginning sooner or later.
How big should the orbit have been so that the same paths would not repeat themselves? How much mass would have to be added to a human to cause changement of an orbit? Does a body become heavier if it also takes its backpack along? Maybe even a whole room, or the weight of another emotionally broken body? How much weight can a single person carry and how much can they carry into a new orbit? Is there a new orbit in which there are no traces of old orbits or beginnings?
O projektu:
ORBIT_A je nadaljevanje Avtorskega opusa PTL umetnice Kaje Lin Jagodič Avguštin. S soavtorjem Mickaelom Marsom Riviére raziskujeta sodobne migracije in spekter notranjih impulzov ki jih spodbujajo in učinke, ki jih migracije sprožajo na osebni razvoj, na odnose in na identiteto. Orbita je tirnica krožnega gibanja, eliptičnega, ampak vseeno ponavljajočega.
Telo manjše mase kroži okoli telesa večje mase, ker se ne more upreti sili njegove gravitacije.
Orbita je cikel. Orbita je rutina.
Gibanje slej ko prej sreča svoj začetek.
Kako velika bi morala biti orbita, da se iste poti ne bi ponavljale? Če bi človek lahko spremenil svojo orbito, koliko teže bi si moral nadeti? Ali postane človek težji, če vzame s sabo še svoj nahrbtnik? Kaj pa celo sobo, ali pa težo čustveno zlomljenega telesa? Koliko teže lahko prenese ena sama oseba in koliko jo lahko nese s seboj v novo orbito? Ali obstaja nova orbita v kateri ni sledov starih orbit ali začetkov?
F: Drago Videmšek
About authors:
KAJA LIN (1990) is a dancer, choreographer and dance teacher who began her rich artistic career after graduating from the Conservatory of Music and Ballet in Ljubljana (2009). After graduation, she spent seven years abroad, most notably in Israel, where she danced at the Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company II and Fresco Dance Company, as well as in many of her own projects and those of other choreographers. She was also enrolled in the Excellent Dancers Project at the Batsheva Dance Company. Between 2015 and 2017, she was employed at the performance art theatre ImPerfect Dancers Company in Italy. She had the opportunity to present her own choreographies at the International Festival of Performing Arts in India, Suzanne Dellal Theater (Tel Aviv, Israel), Zichri Theater (Kibbutz Ga'aton, Israel), 6th Plesna Nacionala festival (Španski Borci Cultural Centre), 9. Front @ Festival, NoFormat Art Gallery (London), within the international network Pan Adria in Rijeka, in Zagreb, at the Maribor Puppet Theatre, at the SNG Nova Gorica, Dance Theatre Ljubljana, and the Španski Borci Cultural Centre. She also co-authored the circus dance show MirOr, which she presented at the Ana Mraz, Ana Mrzla and Ana Desetnica festivals. In Slovenia, she danced in Kjara Starič’s Kjara’s Dance Project (2011, 2015, 2019) and MN Dance Company (2016/2017). In 2019, she performed at the Španski Borci Cultural Centre with original performance Corpus Aurora and co-created the dance-theatre performance Free Standing. In 2022 she made a piece called ESTRANGEMENT as part of her first part of Author’s Opus in PTL.
O avtorjih:
KAJA LIN (1990) je plesalka, koreografinja in plesna pedagoginja, ki je svojo razgibano umetniško pot začela po končanem Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet v Ljubljani (2009). Po diplomi je sedem let preživela v tujini, najdlje v Izraelu, kjer je plesala v teatrih: Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company II in Fresco Dance Company ter v številnih lastnih projektih in projektih drugih koreografov. Sprejeta je bila v tudi v projekt Excellent Dancers project pri Batsheva Dance Company. Od leta 2015 do 2017 je bila zaposlena v teatru ImPerfect Dancers Company v Italiji. Svoje lastne koreografije je imela priložnost predstaviti na: International Festival of Performing Arts v Indiji, v teatru Suzanne Dellal (Tel Aviv, Izrael), teatru Zichri (Kibbutz Ga'aton, Izrael), 6. Plesni Nacionali (Španski Borci) , 9. Festivalu Front@, NoFormat Art Gallery (London), v okviru mednarodne mreže Pan Adria na Reki, v Zagrebu, v Lutkovnem gledališču Maribor, v SNG Nova Gorica, Plesnem Teatru Ljubljana in teatru Španski borci. S soavtorsko cirkuško-plesno predstavo MirOr je sodelovala na Ani Mraz, Ani Mrzli in Ani Desetnici. V Sloveniji je plesala v projektih Kjare Starič, Kjara’s Dance Project (2011, 2015, 2019) in MN Dance Company (2016/2017). Leta 2019 je na odru Španskih borcev nastopila z avtorsko predstavo Corpus Aurora in soustvarila plesno-gledališko predstavo Free Standing. Leta 2022 je v okviru Avtorskega opusa (Plesni Teater Ljubljana) ustvarila solo plesno predstavo Odtujenost.
MICKAEL MARSO RIVIÉRE, founder of Company Decalage, GalleryMarso and "KRE8!Lab”, Marso produces eclectic and inter- disciplinary works rooted to Hip Hop culture. His track record as a performer, producer, workshop leader, mentor, award winning choreographer and photographer is rich with amazing collaborations and achievements. He has created numerous touring works and independently been commissioned by Carlos Acosta for Acosta Danza, The Royal Academy of Dance, Birmingham International Dance Festival, The Place, Breakin Convention, The British Council and Hong Kong APA. www.marsoriviere.com
MICKAEL MARSO RIVIÉRE je ustanovitelj skupine Decalage, GalleryMarso in »KRE8!Lab«, Marso ustvarja eklektična in interdisciplinarna dela, ki temeljijo na kulturi hip hopa. Je izvajalec, producent, vodja delavnice, mentor, nagrajeni koreograf in fotograf. Ustvaril je številna dela, neodvisno in s podporo ter po naročilu Carlosa Acoste za Acosta Danza, The Royal Academy of Dance, Birmingham International Dance Festival, The Place, Breakin Convention, The British Council in Hong Kong APA. www.marsoriviere.com
INFO. / REZ.: 040 345 477, plesniteaterljubljana@gmail.com, mojekarte
Vstopnice / Tickets:10/ 8€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors) predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v našem gledališču / booking in advance or an hour before the performance at our theatre
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture