V soboto in nedeljo, 19. in 20. 9., ob 10.00 bo v Plesnem Teatru Ljubljana potekala ustvarjalna delavnica Petra Šavla z naslovom »Extending expressions - a morphing body / Razširjanje izraznosti – preobražanje telesa«. Prispevek za dvodnevno delavnico je 40 EUR. Prijave na info@ptl-lj.si ali na telefonsko številko 041-365-184. Za prijave do 5. 9. je prispevek za delavnico 35 EUR.
PTL-Dance Theatre Ljubljana is announcing an Artistic Workshop entitled »Extending expressions – a morphing body« which will be held by Peter Šavel on Saturday, 19th and Sunday, 20th September 2015 from 10.00 – 15.00 at PTL-Dance Theatre Ljubljana. Contribution fee for the two-day workshop is 40 EUR. Registration: info@ptl-lj.si or +38641-365-184. For registrations before 5th September the contribution is 35 EUR.
Foto / Photo: Stanislav Dobak
Extending expressions - a morphing body
The workshop I will be offering to lead in Ljubljana will use the accumulated experience from my creative and pedagogical work in the last 10 years of my career.
In my work, I try to overcome and help others to overcome fear, prejudice, judgment and extend borders of body and mind to raise the options and possibilities of an expressive range of each individual. By creating a positive and playful atmosphere in the studio and by creating a set of impossible problems, I stimulate a playful game of trying to trespass the unsolvable riddles of body and mind communicating. Creating a game, overwhelming the conscious in order to force it to flexibly focus on one thing, allowing the subconscious to outburst. Stereotype and assumption are not ignored but included, questioned and absorbed in an attempt to be understood and therefore included in their essence and excluded in their prejudice. The body is strengthened - let go into activity, released into activity. Such a prepared body is then set into an exploration of how it can be at disposition to movement, to becoming, to imagination and emotion, to archetypes inscribed in us and shared amongst us, to the unknown and indescribable. We will look for a strong and clear form filled with passion, curiosity and presence - some key element to performing or existing. I try to share my belief, which is that we each can inspire others when acting to our fullest potential.
Razširitev izraznosti – preobražanje telesa
Na delavnici, ki jo bom vodil v Ljubljani, bom uporabil izkušnje mojega ustvarjalnega in pedagoškega dela v zadnjih 10 letih moje kariere.
Pri svojem delu poskušam premagati in pomagati tudi drugim premagati strah, predsodke, sodbe in razširiti meje telesa in uma ter na ta način povečati možnosti in izrazne zmožnosti vsakega posameznika. Z ustvarjanjem pozitivnega in igrivega vzdušja v studiu in z ustvarjanjem niza nemogočih problemov spodbudim igrivo igro poskušanja prehajanja preko nerešljivih ugank v komunikaciji telesa in duha. Ustvarjanje igre, prežemanje zavesti, da jo prisilimo, da se lahko fleksibilno osredotoči na eno stvar, omogočiti izbruh podzavesti. Stereotip in domneva nista prezrta, ampak vključena, preizprašana in vsrkana v poskusu, da bi nas razumeli ter zato vključena v svojem bistvu in očiščena svojih predsodkov. Telo se krepi – spusti v akcijo. Tako pripravljeno telo je nato pripravljeno na raziskovanje, kako je lahko na razpolago gibu, biti, domišljiji in čustvom, arhetipom, ki so vtisnjeni v nas in med nas, neznanemu in tistemu, česar ni mogoče razložiti. Iskali bomo močno in jasno formo polno strasti, radovednosti in prezence – nek ključni element izvedbe ali eksistence. Skušam deliti svoje prepričanje, da vsak lahko navdahne drugega, ko delujemo na višku svojega potenciala.
O avtorju
Plesalec, koreograf in plesni pedagog. Študiral je na Akademiji za uprizoritvene umetnosti v Bratislavi (fokus na pedagogiki modernega plesa) in diplomiral na P.A.R.T.S. (Performing arts research and training studios) v Bruslju.
Njegove predstave so bile že štirikrat izbrane v prestižni izbor najboljših predstav Evrope plesne mreže Aerowaves – leta 2006 (One for you, two for me, v sodelovanju s Stano Dobák), leta 2012 (Much more than nothing, v sodelovanju z ME-SA), leta 2013 (Boys Who Like To Play With Dolls v sodelovanju s Terezo Ondrovo) in leta 2014 (BAKKHEIA, for BOD.Y).
Trenutno živi in ustvarja v Bruslju, kjer sodeluje s koreografoma Pierreom Droulersom in Salva Sanchisom ter ustvarja tudi lastne koreografije. Od leta 2014 je umetnik na rezidenci v Koreografskem centru Charleroi Danses.
About the Author
Dancer, choreographer and dance teacher. He obtained a bachelor degree at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava (focus on pedagogy of modern dance) and then graduated from P.A.R.T.S. (Performing arts research and training studios) in Brussels.
His works have been included in the prestigious selection of the Aerowaves network already four times – in 2006 (One for you, two for me, in collaboration with Stano Dobák), in 2012 (Much more than nothing, in collaboration with ME-SA), in 2013 (Boys Who Like To Play With Dolls in collaboration with Tereza Ondrovánd) and in 2014 (BAKKHEIA, for BOD.Y).
He currently lives and works in Brussels where he cooperates with choreographers Pierre Droulers and Salva Sanchis and works on his own choreographies. Since 2014 he is an artist in residency at the Choreographic centre Charleroi Danses.