Jana Menger, Maša Kagao Knez, Rosana Hribar
plesni triptih / a dance triptych
Avtorice / Authors: Jana Menger, Maša Kagao Knez, Rosana Hribar
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: LCLights
Produkcija / Produced by: Flota, Ljubljana
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana, Studio 25
Partner / In Partnership with: Zavod Vitkar
Podpora / Supported by: Mestna občina Ljubljana, Ministrstvo za kulturo
INFO. / REZ.: plese@flota.si, Moje karte
Vstopnice / Tickets: 12/8 (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v gledališču / prior reservation or an hour before the performance at the theatre
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
Foto / Photo: Sunčan Stone
O predstavi
Partitura Igorja Stravinskega je v moderni zgodovini baleta in sodobnega plesa postala najpogosteje rabljena glasbena predloga za koreografske naloge. A hkrati je koroegrafom enak izziv kot glasbena partitura predstavljal tudi libreto, zgodba Posvetitve pomladi, ki je antropološki falsifikat slovanskih žrtvenih obredov, saj slovanska ljudska obredja po zgodovinsko-antropoloških virih nikoli niso poznala žrtvovanja ljudi. Za našo postavitev tega slavnega dela je zelo pomemben podatek, da je bil zgodovinsko-antropološki vidik libreta v krstni uprizoritvi Posvetitve pomladi falsifikat in da se je podredil ekonomski logiki kulturne produkcije in promocije. Če obisk dvoran zahteva prikaz žrtvovanja človeka, je občinstvu treba ponuditi natančno to. S Posvetitvijo pomladi imamo namen ustvariti numerični koreografski stroj kot transpozicijo ekonomske produkcijske logike (utemeljene na statistiki, numeričnih podatkih in finančnih parametrih) v prostor in ples. Partituro nam bo igral zreducirani glasbeni stroj kot metafora “sodobnih finančnih elit”, ki bo s koroegrafsko-glasbenim obredom pripeljal do žrtvovanja človeka, umetnika ali umetnosti. – Rok Vevar
Posvetitev pomladi bo predstavljena v obliki triptiha avtoric Jane Menger, Rosane Hribar in Maše Kagao Knez, ki so po navdihu kultnega dela ustvarile tri samosvoje interpretacije.
About the performance
The score by Igor Stravinsky has become the most commonly used music template for choreographic assignments in the modern history of ballet and contemporary dance. However, it was also libretto that represented the same challenge to choreographers as the musical score, the story of The Rite of Spring, which is an anthropological forgery of the Slavic sacrificial rituals, as there was no human sacrifices in Slavic folk rituals according to historical and anthropological sources. It is a very important piece of information for our staging of this famous work that the historical and anthropological aspect of the libretto in our premiere performance of The Rite of Spring was a falsification, and that it succumbed to the economic logic of cultural production and promotion. If attending the performances requires the display of human sacrifice, the audience should be offered just that. With this Rite of Spring, we intend to create a numerical choreographic machine as a transposition of the economic logic of production (based on statistics, numerical data and financial parameters) into space and dance. The score will be played by the reduced musical machine as a metaphor for the “cotemporary financial elites”, which will lead as, by means of choreographic and musical rite, to the sacrifice of a man, an artist, or art. – Rok Vevar
The Rite of Spring will be presented in the form of a triptych by Jana Menger, Rosana Hribar and Maša Kagao Knez, who created three unique interpretations inspired by the iconic piece of art.
Zamisel in koreografija / Concept and Choreography: Jana Menger
Glasbena priredba / Musical Adaptation: Tomaž Gorkič
Izvedba / Performance: Maša Hawlina, Kristina Rozman, Tajda Podobnik, Veronika Valdés
Zamisel in koreografija / Concept and Choreography: Rosana Hribar
Glasba / Music: Marjan Stanić, Ana Pandur
Izvedba / Performance: Rosana Hribar, Marjan Stanić, Ana Pandur
Zamisel in koreografija / Concept and Choreography: Maša Kagao Knez
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: Joseph Nzobandora – Jose
Glasba / Music: Marko Hatlak, Joseph Nzobandora – Jose, Murat, Issiaka Sanou
Izvedba / Performance: Marko Hatlak, Joseph Nzobandora – Jose, Maša Kagao Knez, Murat, Issiaka Sanou
Kostumi / Costumes: Jelena Proković