Sinja Ožbolt
plesno-gledališka predstava / a dance-theatre performance
Avtorstvo in koreografija / Authorship and Choreography: Sinja Ožbolt
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Soustvarjalci in izvajalci / Co-creators and Performers: Ana Čigon, Sara Janašković, Sabina Schwenner, Dušan Teropšič, Matija Udovič, Eni Vesović
Oblikovanje luči / Lighting Design: Aljaž Zaletel
Avtorska glasba / Music: Matjaž Predanič
Kostumografija / Costume Design: Urška Recer
Scensko telo / Scenic Body: Dušan Teropšič
Producentka / Producer: Živa Brecelj
Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Posebna zahvala / Special Thanks: Srednja vzgojiteljska šola in gimnazija Ljubljana
Slika / Painting: Théodore Géricault, Splav Meduze / The Raft of the Medusa
Foto / Photo: Nada Žgank
O predstavi
Človekovo življenje uravnava načelo ugodja, stremljenje k užitku, toda programa tega načela ni mogoče realizirati. Na poti mu stojijo mnogotere prepreke, notranje in zunanje: krhkost in umrljivost telesa, nezmožnost prilagajanja, nelagodje vnanjega sveta, ki ni po meri naših potreb in želja. Najmočnejše nelagodje je tisto, ki se pojavi ob užitku Drugega. Drugi prihajajo k nam.
Kdo je tam notri, v naših mislih, ki bere te besede, čuti ta strah? Lobanja je ušla izpod nadzora. Padamo v slikah. Vsi smo okuženi. Prišla je, da ustvari razpoko. Prišel je, da lahko gre. Kakor Splav meduze, na meji, med dvema smrtima.
About the performance
Human life is regulated by the principle of pleasure, striving for comfort, but the programme of the principle of pleasure cannot be realized. Manifold obstacles stand in its way, both internal and external; the fragility and mortality of our bodies; inability to adapt, discomfort of the outer world which is not tailored to our needs and wishes. The strongest discomfort is the one that appears at the pleasure of the Other. The Others are coming to us.
Who is in there, in our minds, who reads these words, feels this fear? The skull escaped out of control. We are falling in pictures. We are all infected. She came to create a crack. He came to be able to go. As the Raft of Medusa, on the border, between the two Deaths.
O avtorici
Koreografinja, plesalka in pedagoginja Sinja Ožbolt velja za eno ključnih osebnosti sodobnega plesa na Slovenskem. Študirala je na šolah in seminarjih modernega / sodobnega plesa v Londonu (London Contemporary Dance School), Ljubljani, Dunaju, Zagrebu, Mariboru, Rovinju in drugod. Je ena od ustanovnih članic Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana leta 1984 in Društva za sodobni ples Slovenije. Plesala in koreografirala je v vseh večjih sodobnih plesnih skupinah in gledališčih ter na oder postavila več kot 15 celovečernih predstav. Poučuje tudi na SVŠGL, Umetniški gimnaziji, smer Sodobni ples.
About the author
Choreographer, dancer and dance pedagogue Sinja Ožbolt is considered as one of the key personalities of contemporary dance in Slovenia. She is one of the co-founders of PTL-Dance Theatre Ljubljana in 1984 and of the Slovenian Association of Contemporary Dance. She danced in all major dance companies and theatres and created more than 15 full-evening performances. Her works have been presented in Slovenia and worldwide: She won several awards, among others: Golden bird for best dancer, 1986, Sole Blu for video Rdeči čeveljčki / Red Shoes, Riccione, Italy, 1995 and Golden Moving Cake in 2003 for Ritem tveganja / Rhythm of Risk. She also teaches at SVŠGL, the Art Gymnasium – Contemporary dance.
Odlomka iz kritik
"Vendar je v koreografiji ideje Sinje Ožbolt slutiti tudi neznansko moč teles, ki so se zmožna upreti in samoorganizirati – ne le na odru." Nenad Jelesijević, Radio Študent
"Tok nove predstave Sinje Ožbolt Blago(r) narodu napoveduje njen novi koreografski izliv, novo gibalno ostrino, ko se plesno tkivo vrtinči po odru kot razburkano morje, gnete človeške temne strani, pa vendarle da misliti, da je še nekje žarek, ki odseva optimizem in skupino presvetli kot urejeno in usmerjeno koreografsko strukturo." Daliborka Podboj, Parada plesa
Excerpts from Press Reviews / Critics
"However, the choreography of Sinja Ožbolt’s idea also suggests an immense power of the bodies that are able to resist and organize themselves - not only on stage.” Nenad Jelesijević, Radio Študent
“The flow of the new performance by Sinja Ožbolt Wellfare to the Nation announces her new choreographic effusion, new physical sharpness where dance tissue swirls across the stage like rough sea, kneaded human dark sides. However it gives thought that somewhere there is still a beam that reflects optimism and enlightens the group as an organized and focused choreographic structure.” Daliborka Podboj, Dance Parade