Človeško telo je konstanten poslušalec in prevajalec dialoga med notranjostjo in zunanjostjo plesalčevega telesa. Ta dialog vpliva na telo, zato se ta znajde v različnih situacijah, ki pa ponovno vplivajo na notranjost in zunanjost, in to spet sproži dialog, ki gre v neskončnost. Skozi ta neskončen dialog se začnejo ti trije med seboj mešati in telo se začne gibati v nekem svojem naravnem in organskem toku, ki ga pelje ta trenutek. To je trenutek neskončnosti, v katerem si lahko ti res ti.
The human body is a constant listener and translator of the dialogue between the inside and the outside of the dancer’s body. This dialogue affects the body, which finds itself in different situations, which in turn affect the inside and the outside, triggering a dialogue again, and this goes on indefinitely. Through this endless dialogue, these three begin to mix with each other and the body begins to move in a kind of natural and organic flow that is guided by this moment. This is the moment of infinity in which you can truly be you.
f: Anka Simončič
Sprehaja se po mlečni cesti in požira sladkosti sodobnega življenja. In ko se dodobra naje oblek, avtomobilov, luči, opek, melatonina, retinola, paracetamola, poliestra, cinizma, sadizma, oportunizma, individualizma, egocentrizma, militarizma, teizma, nihilizma, pulzirajočega telesa, sinkretizma, dogmatičnega plesa, liberalnega mrčesa in še marsičesa, se ji trebuh povleče po tleh in izmučena pomisli: »Ko bi le lahko vsak dan rodila nekaj novega.« Tako se kapital oplaja, deklica pa raja, in nagaja ji neskončno zvezd, ki jih nikoli ne bo vseh stisnila v pest.
She walks along the Milky Way, feeding on the pleasures of modern life. And when she is well fed with clothes, cars, lights, bricks, melatonin, retinol, paracetamol, polyester, cynicism, sadism, opportunism, individualism, egocentrism, militarism, theism, nihilism, pulsating body, syncretism, dogmatic dance, liberal insects and much more, her belly drags along the floor, she is exhausted, and thinks: “If only I could give birth to something new every day.” This way, capital promulgates, and the girl rejoices, and endless stars that she will never squeeze into her hand play pranks on her.
f: Marijo Zupanov
Kostumografija / Costume Design: Jan Brovč
Človek je ustvaril stroj. Stroj ne občuti ljubezni, sovraštva ali strahu; ne dobi razjed na želodcu, infarkta, ne doživlja čustvenih pretresov.
Mogoče bo človek preživel le, če bo postal stroj. Nekaterim ljudem se je to že posrečilo.
Predan umetnik lahko postane stroj svoje nadarjenosti.
Plesno-performativna solo predstava pod naslovom LJUBI (V)SE, se sooča s tematiko ljubezni. Ljubezni do sebe, do drugih, z drugimi ... Govori o tem, kaj se zgodi, ko primanjkljaj ljubezni ni več vprašljiv. Ko nagon prevzame razum ter kaplje znoja nadomestijo mehak, iskren dotik.
Man created the machine. The machine does not feel love, hate or fear; it does not get stomach ulcers, heart attacks, does not experience emotional turmoil.
Perhaps the only way for man to survive is to become a machine. Some people have already succeeded.
A dedicated artist can become a machine of their talent.
The solo dance-performance Love Ur(s) deals with the theme of love. Love for yourself, for others, with others ... It is about what happens when the lack of love is no longer in question. When the instinct takes over the mind and a soft, sincere touch is replaced by drops of sweat.
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture