Natalija Manojlović Varga
plesna predstava za mlade od 8. leta dalje / a dance performance for children 8+
Avtorstvo, koreografija, režija / Created, Choreographed & Directed by: NATALIJA MANOJLOVIĆ VARGA
Soustvarjanje in izvedba / Co-created & Performed by: BARBARA KANC, KATARINA BARBARA KAVČIČ POPIČ, AJA ZUPANEC
Glasba / Music: MARIO MAROLT
Vizualna podoba / Visual Identity: ANDREJ ŠTULAR
Kostumi / Costumes: SLAVICA JANOŠEVIĆ
Oblikovanje luči in tehnične rešitve / Lighting Design & Technical Solutions: JANKO OVEN
Kreativna producentka / Creative Producer: KATJA SOMRAK
Uporabljena glasba / Songs used by permission of: MARIO MAROLT, PETER MIHELIČ, SPACE ORCHESTRA, QUASAR, CLAIR AUDIENT
Produkcija / Production: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA
INFO. / REZ.: Spletna stran Festivala BOBRI
Prevzem brezplačnih vstopnic v soboto, 11. septembra, med 11.00 in 16.00 (oziroma dokler ne bodo pošle) pred Klubom Slovenskega mladinskega gledališča na Vilharjevi 11, če bo vreme slabo, pa v Klubu.
Collect free tickets on Saturday, 11th September 2021 between 11.00 and 16.00 infront of the Club of the Slovenian Youth Theatre, Vilharjeva 11, Ljubljana.
V skladu z odloki Vlade RS je udeležba na kulturnih dogodkih dovoljena osebam z negativnim testom na Covid-19, cepljenim ali prebolevnikom (PCT pogoj). / In accordance with the decrees of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, participation in cultural events is allowed to people with a negative test for Covid-19, vaccinated or convalescent people (PCT condition).
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
O predstavi
»CTRL.SHIFT.ESC skozi prizmo najstniškega doživljanja suvereno razpira polje identitete, komunikacije in odnosov v virtualnem ter realnem svetu. S plesom, govorom in domiselnim sprotnim oblikovanjem scenskega prostora ter konteksta vzpostavlja prepoznavne odrske situacije iz vsakdana mladih, ki spodbujajo aktivno razumevanje in doživljanje ter angažirajo prav v svoji kompleksnosti. Struktura predstave izpelje razločen narativni premik od virtualnega do realnega, a brez poenostavitev ali vrednostnega stališča; izpostavlja težave in pasti obeh, obenem pa senzibilno vodi dogajanje skozi doživljajske intenzitete, poskrbi za lucidno zaključno samo-refleksijo odrskega dogajanja in konec zapelje v pozitivno naravnano ter energično prešito razrešitev skupaj z gledalci.” Strokovna žirija Zlate paličice 2019
About the performance
»CTRL.SHIFT.ESC, through the prism of teenage experience, sovereignly expands the field of identity, communication and relationships in the virtual and real world. Through dance, speech and imaginative on-going design of the scenic space and context, it creates recognizable situations from the everyday lives of young people that stimulate active understanding and experience and engage precisely in their complexity. The structure of the performance makes a distinct narrative shift from the virtual to the real, but without simplification or value point of view; it highlights the problems and pitfalls of both, while sensibly guiding the event through experiential intensities, arranging for a lucid final self-reflection of what is happening on the stage, and leading the end to a positively directed and energetic quilting together with the viewers.” Golden Stick 2019 Expert Jury