Maša Kagao Knez
predstava / a performance
Koncept, režija, koreografija / Concept, Direction, Choreography: MAŠA KAGAO KNEZ
Soustvarjalci predstave in nastopajoči / Co-creators and Performers: LINA AKIF, JOSEPH NZOBANDORA – JOSE, IRENA YEBUAH TIRAN, LETICIA SLAPNIK YEBUAH, MAŠA KAGAO KNEZ
Dramaturgija in režija / Dramaturgy and Direction: IVANA DJILAS
Soustvarjanje koreografije / Co-choreographed by: ROSANA HRIBAR
Avtorska glasba / Original Music: BOŠTJAN GOMBAČ
Besedila songov / Song Lyrics: JOSEPH NZOBANDORA – JOSE
Kostumografija / Costume Design: JELENA PROKOVIĆ
Oblikovanje videa / Video Design: VESNA KREBS
Oblikovanje svetlobe in scenskih elementov / Lighting and Set Design: DANILO PEČAR
Umetniški sodelavci / Artistic Collaborators: PIA VATOVEC DIRNBEK (mentorica za step / step mentor), BLAŽ CELAREC (tolkala / percussions), ŽIGA GOLOB (kontrabas / double bass), PRIMOŽ FLEISCHMAN (sopranski in tenorski saksofon / saxophone)
INFO. / REZ.: Anton Podbevšek Teater, Novo mesto
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
O predstavi
»Občutek manjvrednosti? Ne, občutek neobstoja. Greh je črn, saj je krepost bela.«
(Frantz Fanon: Črna koža, bele maske)
Medtem ko želimo rasizem pripisati zgodovini in ga tam tudi odložiti, so svet ponovno pretresle novice, ki kažejo, da rasizem še kako vztraja in da je problematika še kako pereča. Po usmrtitvi Georgea Floyda v ZDA, ki je prebudila množice in spodbudila proteste gibanja BLM, se je izkazalo dvoje: da v 21. stoletju sistemski rasizem še kako obstaja in da to, da se pretvarjamo, da ne obstaja, kvečjemu kaže na našo ignoranco, zmožnost odrinjanja in nezmožnost soočenja z večno aktualno problematiko. Po eni strani se mi zdi smešno, da se v 21. stoletju spet na novo pričenjamo pogovarjati o tej problematiki, po drugi strani me straši, da to pri nas sploh še ni tema.
Pri nas rasizma ni. To se dogaja nekje drugje, daleč v Ameriki. Ali pač?
Maša Kagao Knez
About the performance
“A feeling of inferiority? No, a feeling of not existing. Sin is black as virtue is white.”
(Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Masks)
While we want to attribute racism to history and leave it there, the world has once again been shaken by events that show that racism is still very much alive and that is remains a burning issue. The killing of George Floyd in the United States, which stirred up the masses and sparked the protests of the BLM movement, proved two things: that in the 21st century, systemic racism most certainly exists, and that the fact that we’re pretending otherwise only shows our ignorance, our ability to brush aside, and our inability to face the ever recurring problem. On the one hand, I find it funny that we are once again starting to talk about this issue in the 21st century, and on the other hand, it scares me that in Slovenia, it has yet to become a topic at all.
There is no racism in our country. It's happening somewhere else, far away in America. Or is it?
Maša Kagao Knez