Mitja Obed
predstava eksperimentalnega flamenka / an experimental flamenco performance
Avtorstvo in izvedba / Author & Performer: MITJA OBED
Kostumografija / Costume Design: KISS THE FUTURE (TANJA PAĐAN)
Produkcija / Produced by: PKD CORAVIENTO, PKD PREDMESTJE
Projekt je del cikla Espacio flamenco, ki ga delno financirata Mestna občina Ljubljana in Acción Cultural Española / The project is a part of the Espacio flamenco cycle, which is financed in part by Municipality of Ljubljana and Acción Cultural Española
INFO. / REZ.:,, Moje karte
Vstopnice / Tickets: 8/6€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v našem gledališču / booking in advance or an hour before the performance at our theatre
V skladu z odloki Vlade RS je udeležba na kulturnih dogodkih dovoljena osebam z negativnim testom na Covid-19, cepljenim ali prebolevnikom (PCT pogoj). / In accordance with the decrees of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, participation in cultural events is allowed to people with a negative test for Covid-19, vaccinated or convalescent people (PCT condition).
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
O predstavi
Dictarot je predstava eksperimentalnega flamenka, dialog med plesalcem in strojem. Postavljen je brezčasno, v obdobje pred, med in po apokalipsi hkrati. Lebdi nad človeško psiho - ne meni se za požirajoče občutke, ki spremljajo kataklizmične dogodke in nas povede v medprostor vseh apokalips, ki smo jih že doživeli.
S transformacijo zvoka plesalčevih nog oder postane miselno polje, ki se stopnjuje tokom predstave. Ob subtilni spremljavi kontrabasa se zgodi transformacija iz benignega posameznika v tirana ob vseprisotnem toku underground glasbe.
About the performance
Dictarot is an experimental flamenco dance performance, a dialogue between the dancer and the electronic sound device. It is a work disregarding the overwhelming feelings accompanying the apocalypse. A floating sense of merely being a spectator of the cataclysmic events reminds us of the apocalypses we have already lived through.
The flamenco dancer uses his body as a narrator, a mouth of its own, outside of traditional forms of flamenco. With the transformation of the sound of the dancer’s feet the space on the stage becomes a pool of thoughts thickening in the course of the performance. Accompanied by the subtle double bass they create a subtle atmosphere where the main character is transformed from a benign one-of-the-crowd to a tyrant and constantly in the flow of an underground DJ gathering.