Živjo, ime mi je Raquel André. Sem zbirateljica.
Vabim te, da se pridružiš moji Zbirki ljudi.
Predstavljam ti spletno stran www.collectionofspectators.com. Stran je povabilo na sestanek in vsebuje navodila glede tvoje interakcije in sodelovanja. V naslednjem mesecu bom poslala 7 navodil, ki so portal za deljenje tvojih izkušenj, misli in občutkov, tvojih manifestov. Mogoče bo tudi sodelovati na festivalu Spectators, navodila pa bodo vsebovala tudi vprašanje, na katerega bi zelo rada, da odgovoriš: kaj pomeni biti gledalec?
Hočem vas zbrati kot gledalko umetnosti, gledalko življenja in tega sveta, gledalko tukaj in zdaj. Želim te spoznati kot opazovalko in pričo, pa tudi kot udeleženko in ustvarjalko.
To je vabilo na doživetje, sodelovanje v tej zbirki je v tvojih rokah. Dobrodošla!
Raquel André
Kaj pomeni biti gledalec? Svoje izkušnje lahko deliš in sodeluješ tukaj.
Hi, I'm Raquel André. I'm a collector.
I invite you to be part of my Collection of People. I introduce you to the website www.collectionofspectators.com. This site is an invitation to a meeting, with instructions that propose your interaction and participation. During the next month, I propose 7 instructions that are a portal to share your experiences, thoughts and sensations, your manifestos. There will also be a Spectators Festival and a question that I very much want you to answer - what does it mean to be a spectator?
I want to collect you as a spectator of art, a spectator of life and this world, a spectator of the here and now. I want to know you as an observer and witness, but also as a participant and creator.
This is an invitation for an experience, it is in your hands to be part of this collection. Welcome!
Raquel André
What does it mean to be a spectator? Share your experience and make your contribution here.
Foto / Photo: Alfonso Sousa
Sodelovanje poteka preko spleta. Projekt traja od 20. oktobra do 21. novembra. V tem času prejmete 7 navodil umetnice. To pomeni 7 izzivov, ki jih izpolnite preko interneta in tako postanete del zbirke!
Upamo, da smo vzpodbudili vašo radovednost in se boste pridružili zbirki gledalcev!
Your collaboration will take place online. The project lasts from 20th October to 21st November. During this time, you receive 7 instructions from the artist. This means 7 challenges that you complete over the internet and thus become a part of her collection!
We hope we have piqued your curiosity and you will join the collection of the audience!