V sklopu festivala Bobri / As part of the Bobri festival
19. 3. ob 10. 00 - ZA VRTCE IN ŠOLE
19. 3. ob 17. 00 - ZA IZVEN
Mateja Bizjak Petit
gledališko-gibalna poezija za otroke (1,5+) /
theatre-movement poetry for children (1,5+)
Režiserka / Direction: Mateja Bizjak Petit
Igralca / Performed by: Barbara Jamšek, Urban Kolarič k. g.
Avtorji likovne podobe / Authors of Visuals: Lucie Félix, Raphaële Enjary in Myriam Colin
Avtorji pesmi / Authors of Songs: Dorothée Volut, Pierre Soletti in Fabienne Swiatly
Avtor glasbe / Author of Music: Damien Félix
Prevajalka / Translator: Nina Medved
Kostumografka / Costume: Mojca Bernjak
Avtor računalniške obdelave in oblikovalec zvoka / Author of Computer Editing and Sound Design: Maxime Lance
Oblikovalka giba / Movement: Barbara Kanc
Oblikovalca svetlobe / Light Design: Jérôme Beunier in Urban Kolarič
Scenski tehnologi in izdelovalci scene / Technical Solutions and Scene Make: Lucijan Jošt, Branko Caserman, Urban Saletinger
Prevajalka v znakovni jezik / Sign Language Translator: Ajda Pfifer
Mojster svetlobe / Light Engineer: Aljaž Fredi Novak
Mojster zvoka / Sound Engineer: Urban Kolarič
Zahvala / Thanks: Adélaïde Billon, Brigitte Bougeard
Produkcija / Production : Lutkovno gledališče Maribor
Koprodukcija slovenske izvedbe / Coproduction of Slovenian version: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
About performance:
Tok tok tok is a poetic and playful triptych that invites toddlers and their companions to enter and indulge in a theatrical journey through poetry.
The first song In Your Eyes by Dorothée Volut takes them to the land of wide open universes, those that touch us up close and those magically infinite, visually imagined by Lucie Félix.
The second song “The Sun Knocked on My Door” by Pierre Soletti sways them into the beauty of the world that we perceive through the rays of sparkling joy drawn by Raphaële Enjary.
The third poem You Grow Under the Skin by Fabienne Swiatly invites them into the very heart of poetry by exploring entirely new horizons with the help of Myriam Colin textile objects.
In an embracing sound space, the actress and musician offer a lively and stimulating theatrical experience through the prism of a game. A game that does not impose anything, but invites. Game of words, sounds, colors and movement. Three poetic interpretations of existence and creation come to life. All creatures great or small are invited to discover the beauty of the simplicity that surrounds them, to glimpse their inner universe through it, to indulge in the aesthetic breath and simply to enjoy the richness of their own intuitive imagination.
O predstavi:
Uprizoritev Tok tok tok je poetičen in igriv triptih, ki malčke in njihove spremljevalce povabi, da vstopijo in se prepustijo gledališkemu potovanju skozi poezijo.
Prva pesem V tvojih očeh avtorice Dorothée Volut jih popelje v deželo široko odprtih vesolj, tistih, ki se nas dotikajo od blizu, in tistih čarobno neskončnih, ki si jih je vizualno zamislila Lucie Félix.
Druga pesem Sonce je potrkalo na moja vrata avtorja Pierra Solettija jih zaziba v lepoto sveta, ki jo zaznamo skozi žarke iskrive radosti, ki jih je narisala Raphaële Enjary.
Tretja pesem Pesem ti raste pod kožo avtorice Fabienne Swiatly pa jih povabi v samo srce poezije z odkrivanjem povsem novih obzorij s pomočjo objektov iz tekstila Myriam Colin.
Igralka in glasbenik v objemajočem zvočnem prostoru ponujata živahno in stimulativno gledališko doživetje skozi prizmo igre. Igre, ki ničesar ne vsiljuje, ampak vabi. Igre besed, zvokov, barv in giba. Okrog treh poetičnih interpretacij bivanja in ustvarjanja zaživijo trije svetovi. Mali in veliki gledalec sta povabljena, da odkrivata lepoto preprostosti, ki ju obdaja, skoznjo zaslutita vsak svoje notranje vesolje ter se prepustita estetskemu dihanju in preprosto uživata v bogastvu lastne intuitivne domišljije.
INFO. / REZ.: 040 345 477, plesniteaterljubljana@gmail.com
Vstopnice / Tickets: Brezplačne vstopnice
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture