20.00 - Jerca Rožnik Novak & Johannes Randolf: 2GETHER/AL(L)ONE – VERZIJA KORONIKA / CORONICA VERSION - Razprodano!
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Koncept in koreografija / Concept and Choreography: JERCA ROŽNIK NOVAK & JOHANNES RANDOLF
Izvajalki / Performers: JERCA ROŽNIK NOVAK & VERONIKA
Avtorska glasba / Original Music: MATEVŽ KOLENC
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: URŠA ADAMIČ
Kostumografija / Costume Design: ANDREJ VRHOVNIK
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: JANKO OVEN
Svetovanje za igro / Acting Advice: ZALA ANA ŠTIGLIC
Kreativna in izvršna producentka / Creative and Executive Producer: KATJA SOMRAK
Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: Associazione Culturale CapoTrave / Kilowatt, Dublin Theatre Festival Company Limited By Guarantee, Göteborgs Stads Kulturförvaltning/ Stora Teatern, Bakelit Multi Art Center
S podporo Programa Kreativna Evropa, ki ga financira Evropska unija / Supported by Creative Europe Programme funded by the European Union
Realizacija v okviru projekta EU Be SpectACTive! 2 / Realized in the framework of EU Be SpectACTive! 2 project
Cena vstopnic za posamezno predstavo in ostale dogodke festivala U[krep] 2020 je 1 kulturni evro. Obvezne so rezervacije po elektronski pošti na info@ptl-lj.si ter prevzem vstopnic najkasneje 30 minut pred dogodkom. - PREDSTAVA JE RAZPRODANA / The ticket price for an individual show or event of the U[krep] 2020 festival is 1 cultural euro. Reservations are mandatory at info@ptl-lj.si and ticket pick up no later than 30 minutes before the event. - PERFORMANCE IS SOLD OUT
Foto / Photo: Drago Videmšek, Sunčan Stone
O predstavi
Predstava temeljito poudarja občutek samote, čeprav je spomin na dvojino še vedno zelo prisoten. Raziskovanje odnosa v dvoje in občutka samote vodi v odkrivanje različnih načinov spreminjanja odsotnosti. Praznina ponuja prostor za soustvarjanje dueta med plesalkama Jerco Rožnik Novak in Veroniko. Predstava bo v novi realnosti izpeljana čim bližje svoji originalni verziji.
About the performance
The performance strongly emphasizes the feeling of being left alone, although the memory of togetherness is still very present. Exploring the relation between the two and the feeling of loneliness leads to discovering new ways of changing the absence. The emptiness offers a platform for the co creation of the duet between Jerca Rožnik Novak and Veronika. In the new reality, the performance will be as faithful as possible to the original version.
Foto / Photo: Urša Rupnik
21.00 - Prulček bar - Projekcija kratkih plesnih filmov, izbranih na odprtem pozivu na temo Nova realnost / Presentation of short dance films, chosen by the open call on the subject of New Reality
Lara Matea Ivančič: Nova realnost / New Reality ; Julija Pečnikar: Jenny ; Urša Rupnik: Rada bi nekaj rekla / I would like to say something ; Katarina Barbara Kavčič Popič: Just an ordinary morning ; Luka Ostrež: Alienor ; Daša Grgič (Italija / Italy): inAffection ; Ivy Tsui / Carrol@KALOS Productions HK (Hong Kong): Human, what you are looking for?
Foto / Photo: Bojan Brecelj
22.00 - Novi trg - 5 + 5 plesne intervencije slovenskih plesalcev / dance interventions of Slovenian dancers
Julija Pečnikar: Jenny ; Urša Rupnik: Rada bi nekaj rekla / I would like to say something ; Mitja Obed: SO- ; Petra Peček: S(r)anje / Shit ; Anamaria Bagarić: Productivity Porn ; Tina Habun: Nikogaršnja tolažba / Nobody's consolation ; Zavod MOJA KREACIJA – mentorici / mentors: Katja Gorečan, Mojca Kasjak, plesalke / dancers: Ivana Kocutar, Simona Bobnar Radenković, Petja Golec Horvat, Ajša Mara Kacjan: Vrnitev / Comeback ; Sara Janašković: Rdeči val / Red wave ; Luka Ostrež: Alienor
Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: Festival Svetlobna gverila / Lighting Guerrilla Festival
V sodelovanju med festivaloma Ukrep in Svetlobna gverila bodo v letošnji ediciji predstavljene kratke plesne sekvence / intervencije slovenskih plesalcev in plesalk ter koreografov in koreografinj, izbranih na odprtem pozivu, kot izhodiščno okno v »svet luči« oziroma v enkratni korespondenci giba in svetlobe, ki bo letos potekal na temo narave in njenih mogočnih sil. Vodilo festivala je pet elementov: voda, zrak, zemlja ogenj, ki se jim pridruži še dodatni Peti element. Vabljeni k slavljenju življenja, torej k prisostvovanju!
In cooperation with Ukrep and Lighting Guerilla Festival, this year’s edition will feature short dance sequences or intervention by Slovenian dancers and choreographers selected at the open call, as an opening window into the "world of lights", or in the unique correspondence of movement and light, which will take place this year on the subject of nature and its mighty forces. The guiding principle of the festival are the four elements – water, air, earth, fire – accompanied by the additional, Fifth element. You are kindly invited to celebrate life, that is – to attend!
UKREP 2020: Nova realnost, Festival plesnih perspektiv sodi v program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana. Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana je v javnem interesu na področju kulture in umetnosti ter ga sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana. / UKREP 2020: New Reality, Festival of Dance Perspectives is part of the programme of Dance Theatre Ljubljana (PTL). The programme of PTL is in the public interest in the field of culture and art, and is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana.
Zaradi navodil NIJZ in ukrepov Covid-19, ki se nenehno spreminjajo, bomo morda morali del programa prilagoditi ali celo odpovedati. Prosimo za razumevanje! / Due to the guidelines by National Institute of Public Health and the ever-changing Covid-19 measures, we may need to adjust or even cancel a part of the program. We ask for your understanding!