Zsuzsa Rózsavölgyi: 1.7
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Koncept, koreografija in izvedba / Concept, Choreography & Performance: ZSUZSA RÓZSAVÖLGYI
Glasba / Music: RYAN SEATON
Animacije / Animations: VIKTOR VICSEK
Luč / Light: ZOLTÁN NAGY
Vodja produkcije / Production Manager: DÓRA TRIFONOV
Produkcija / Produced by: SÍN Kulturni center / Cultural Centre
V sodelovanju z Mestom Žensk in s podporo Balassijevega inštituta v Ljubljani / In collaboration with City of Women and supported by Balassi institute in Ljubljana
Cena vstopnic za posamezno predstavo in ostale dogodke festivala U[krep] 2020 je 1 kulturni evro. Obvezne so rezervacije po elektronski pošti na info@ptl-lj.si ter prevzem vstopnic najkasneje 30 minut pred dogodkom. - PREDSTAVA JE RAZPRODANA / The ticket price for an individual show or event of the U[krep] 2020 festival is 1 cultural euro. Reservations are mandatory at info@ptl-lj.si and ticket pick up no later than 30 minutes before the event. - PERFORMANCE IS SOLD OUT
Foto / Photo: Gabor Dusa
O predstavi
Solo predstava Zsuzse Rózsavölgyi z igrivim humorjem ter z video vložki o različnih družbenih vidikih ženskega telesa in ženske vloge raziskuje vprašanje omejevalnega in kastrirajočega vpliva družbe na žensko naravo prek oglasov, zmanipuliranih medijev, tradicije ali pa čiste norčavosti. Vse to pa naredi s preprostim, osebnim glasom, z gibanjem in plesom, očiščenim vsakršne zlaganosti, zaradi katerega se počutimo, da bi bili lahko z njo na odru z našimi nepopolnimi telesi, z njenimi mislimi. S predstavitvijo vlog sodobne ženske pridemo do temeljnega problema: ali bomo svoje biološke zmožnosti ponudili v korist družbe in izboljšali trenutno stopnjo rodnosti v Evropi (1,7), ali pa bomo pustili, da prihodnost Evrope reši priseljevanje?
About the performance
Zsuzsa Rózsavölgyi’s hand-made solo piece with playful humour, video inserts on the various social aspects of the female body and role investigates the issues of the society’s restraining and castrating effect on the female nature through advertisements, manipulated media, tradition or just mere tomfoolery. And this is all done in a plain, personal voice, through movement and dance bare from any fabrication, which makes us feel that we could be there on stage with her with our imperfect bodies, with her thoughts. Presenting the roles
of a modern woman we get to the ultimate problem: shall we offer our biological capacities to the service of society and improve the current – 1.7 – European birth-rate or shall we leave the future of Europe to be solved by immigration?
UKREP 2020: Nova realnost, Festival plesnih perspektiv sodi v program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana. Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana je v javnem interesu na področju kulture in umetnosti ter ga sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana. / UKREP 2020: New Reality, Festival of Dance Perspectives is part of the programme of Dance Theatre Ljubljana (PTL). The programme of PTL is in the public interest in the field of culture and art, and is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana.
Zaradi navodil NIJZ in ukrepov Covid-19, ki se nenehno spreminjajo, bomo morda morali del programa prilagoditi ali celo odpovedati. Prosimo za razumevanje! / Due to the guidelines by National Institute of Public Health and the ever-changing Covid-19 measures, we may need to adjust or even cancel a part of the program. We ask for your understanding!