Veronika Valdés & Dušan Teropšič
plesno-gledališka predstava / a dance-theatre performance
Koncept in vsebinska utemeljitev predstave / Concept and Contextual Foundation of the Performance: Dušan Teropšič, Sara Smrajc Žnidarčič in Veronika Valdés
Avtorja koreografije in izvedba / Choreography and Dance: Dušan Teropšič in Veronika Valdés
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Kostumografija / Costume Design: Sara Smrajc Žnidarčič
Scenografija / Set Dedsign: Dušan Teropšič, Sara Smrajc Žnidarčič in Veronika Valdés
Oblikovanje luči / Lighting Design: Tomaž Štrucl
Produkcija / Produced by: Zavod Flota
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
S Podporo MOL – Oddelka za kulturo
INFO./ REZ.: 041-691-177,,
Vstopnice / Tickets: 8 / 5 EUR (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v gledališču / prior reservation or an hour before the performance at the theatre
Foto / Photo: Sunčan Patrick Stone
»Vse je tako, kot mora biti.«
»Everything is as it should be«
O predstavi
Predstava Absolutni stereotip plesalcev in koreografov Veronike Valdes in Dušana Teropšiča govori skozi arhetip moškega in ženske. Vrne se k nekaterim stereotipnim podobam, preko katerih si moški in ženska utirata pot v lastno identiteto, ko se (na videz) samostojno odločata o razvoju in poteku dogodkov in sprašujeta, ali absolutni stereotip sploh obstaja. Ravno zaradi tovrstnega »lahkotnega« gledišča lahko tragičnost ali komičnost trenutka življenja dveh ljudi zagledamo v luči nečesa odmaknjenega; kot da se to v resnici ne dogaja njima, pa je vendar je resnično, saj se v koščkih dogaja vsem nam.
About the performance
Absolute Steretype choreographed and performed by Veronika Valdes and Dušan Teropšič is a performance that speaks through the archetype of man and woman. The performance returns to stereotypical images, through which a man and a woman pave the way for their own identity when they (seemingly) independently decide on the development and course of events and ask themselves whether the absolute stereotype exists. This "light" point of view can make us look at the tragic or comic moments of life of two people in the light of something isolated; as if it is not happening to them, but in some small way also to ourselves.
Excerpt from Press Review / Critic
"Produced by Flota and on the stage of and co-produced by PTL-Dance Theatre Ljubljana a new artistic dance highlight of this theatrical season was performed just before the end of the artistic season, if considered from the beginning of September until June’s completion of the school year.
The dance duet by Veronika Valdés and Dušan Teropšič in this story of patterns and causality is meticulously outlined, where every move is conceptually designed and cleverly built into the mosaic of the choreographic whole Absolute Stereotype." (Daliborka Podboj, Dance Parade)
Odlomek iz kritike
»V produkciji Flote in na odru ter v koprodukciji Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana je bil uprizorjen novi umetniški plesni presežek te gledališke sezone, in to prav tik pred koncem, če sezono štejemo od septembrskega začetka pa do junijskega zaključka šolskega leta.
Plesni duet Veronike Valdés in Dušana Teropšiča je v tej zgodbi vzorcev in vzročnosti do potankosti začrtan, ko je vsak gib konceptualno zasnovan in domiselno vgrajen v mozaiku koreografske celote Absolutni Stereotip.« (Daliborka Podboj, Parada plesa)