Tereza Ondrová, Peter Šavel
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Koncept, koreografija in ples / Concept, Choreography and Dance: Tereza Ondrová, Peter Šavel
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: Bram Smeyers
Svetovanje za gib / Movement Cooperation: Lucia Kašiarová
Zunanje oko / Outside eye: Karolína Hejnová
Oblikovanje luči / Lighting Design: Ints Plavnieck
Kostumi / Costumes: Mariana Novotná
Producent / Produced by: Karolína Hejnová
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: Tanec Praha (Češka), NorrlandsOperan Umeå (Švedska), CNC Roubaix – Ballet du Nord (Francija), Plesni Teater Ljubljana (Slovenija), ALT@RT
Accueil studio / Ballet du Nord- Olivier Dubois / Centre Chorégraphique Nationale de Roubaix Nord-Pas de Calais
S podporo / Supported by: Ministrstvo za kulturo Češke republike / Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulture RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Ljubljana
Češka premiera : 21. 6. 2015, Divadlo Ponec, Tanec Praha 2015
Slovenska premiera: 18. 9. 2015, Plesni Teater Ljubljana, Festival Ex_Ponto 2015
Švedska premiera: 17. 10.2 015, NorrlandsOperan Umeå
INFO.: www.exponto.net
Festivalska vstopnica za 22. Ex Ponto je že v prodaji: preko interneta: www.eventim.si in na prodajnih mestih Eventima. Cena v predprodaji znaša 40€. Vstopnica velja za vse festivalske dogodke in je prenosljiva.
Foto / Photo: Vojtech Brnicky, Stanislav Dobak
About the Performance
“They got married and lived together till death did them part.”
In their latest project the Czech-Slovak duo of creators have embarked on a journey of discovery of various forms of romantic relationships which know no obstacles of age or gender. Two people, two bodies, two separate identities fighting for love and exploring the boundaries of humility and loss of identity, dependence and sharing, honesty and deceit, love and hate. A confrontation of ideas about the ideal relationship and the reality of what it means to truly build a romantic relationship shaped into an expressive, bodily image.
The movement between Tereza and Peter arises from constant communication between “you and I” in harmony and dissent, both gracefully and awkwardly. With humour and passion, open to one another and for one another, they embark together with the audience on a journey into relationships. Each seemingly hopeless situation is an impetus for returning to the question: Do you still want to hold my hand?
The project is an international co-production by Tanec Praha (CZ), NorrlandsOperan Umeå (SWE), Centre Chorégraphique National Roubaix – Ballet du Nord (FR) and Plesni Teater Ljubljana (SLO).
"A passionate intercourse with stereotypes which yet places them into perspectives. This piece presents in a very original way a topic, which one wouldn't hope anymore to see presented in a surprising manner. The more so - it does it with lightness, humour and self irony - which are so often missing in the alternative performance field.“ (Vojtech Polacek)
O predstavi
“Poročila sta se in skupaj živela dokler ju smrt ni ločila.”
V njunem najnovejšem projektu se je češki-slovaški ustvarjalni tandem podal na pot odkrivanja različnih oblik intimnih odnosov, ki ne poznajo nikakršnih ovir glede starosti in spola. Dva človeka, dve telesi, dve ločeni osebnosti se borita za ljubezen in raziskujeta meje ponižnosti in izgube lastne identitete, odvisnosti in sodelovanja, iskrenosti in prevare, ljubezni in sovraštva. Soočenje različnih idej o idealnem odnosu in realnosti tega, kaj pomeni resnično zgraditi romantičen odnos, oblikovano v ekspresivno, telesno sliko.
Gib med Terezo in Petrom izhaja iz neprestane komunikacije med »ti in jaz« v harmoniji in nasprotovanju, tako graciozne kot nerodne. S humorjem in strastjo, odprta drug za drugega in drug drugemu, se skupaj z občinstvom podajata na pot v razumevanje odnosov. Vsaka na videz brezupna situacija je spodbuda za vračanje k vprašanju: Me še vedno želiš držati za roko?
Projekt je mednarodna koprodukcija med Tanec Praha (Češka), NorrlandsOperan Umeå (Švedska), Centre Chorégraphique National Roubaix – Ballet du Nord (Francija) in Plesnim Teatrom Ljubljana (Slovenija).
"Strasten seks s stereotipi, ki jih še postavi v perspektive. Ta del predstavlja na zelo izviren način temo, ki si je več ne upamo videti predstavljeno na tako presenetljiv način. Še več - to počne z lahkotnostjo, humorjem in samoironijo - ki tako pogosto umankajo na alternativnem uprizoritvenem polju." (Vojtech Polacek)
O avtorjih
Tereza Ondrová (CZ)
Tereza je plesalka, plesna pedagoginja, koreografinja in absolventka Akademije za uprizoritvene umetnosti, Fakultete za ples v Pragi. Kot izjemna plesalka jo redno vabijo v projekte vodilnih ustvarjalcev in organizacij v Češki republiki, med njimi Jan Kodet, Lenka Ottová, DOT 504, Mirka Eliášová, Peter Mika, Věra Ondrašíková in drugi. Je soustanoviteljica VerTeDance, v kateri sodeluje s številnimi dobrimi plesalci. Skupina je na Češki plesni platformi že trikrat prejela nagrado „Plesna produkcija leta“ (2005: Tichomluva, 2012: What is the Weight of Your Desire?, 2014: CORRECTIONS) , Tereza pa leta 2010 tudi nagrado „Plesalka leta“.
Peter Šavel (SK)
Plesalec, koreograf in plesni pedagog. Študiral je na Akademiji za uprizoritvene umetnosti v Bratislavi (fokus na pedagogiki modernega plesa) in diplomiral na P.A.R.T.S. (Performing arts research and training studios) v Bruslju.
Njegove predstave so bile že štirikrat izbrane v prestižni izbor najboljših predstav Evrope plesne mreže Aerowaves – leta 2006 (One for you, two for me, v sodelovanju s Stano Dobák), leta 2012 (Much more than nothing, v sodelovanju z ME-SA), leta 2013 (Boys Who Like To Play With Dolls v sodelovanju s Terezo Ondrovo) in leta 2014 (BAKKHEIA, for BOD.Y).
Trenutno živi in ustvarja v Bruslju, kjer sodeluje s koreografoma Pierreom Droulersom in Salva Sanchisom ter ustvarja tudi lastne koreografije. Od leta 2014 je umetnik na rezidenci v Koreografskem centru Charleroi Danses.
About the Authors
Tereza Ondrová (CZ)
Tereza is a dancer, teacher, choreographer and graduate of HAMU in Prague. As a distinctive performer she is often invited to work with leading figures and companies in the Czech Republic, among them Jan Kodet, Lenka Ottová, DOT 504, Mirka Eliášová, Peter Mika, Věra Ondrašíková and others. She is one of the founders of VerTeDance, in which she collaborates with many other great dancers. The company has already won Dance Production of the Year three times at the CZECH DANCE PLATFORM (2005: Tichomluva, 2012: What is the Weight of Your Desire?, 2014: CORRECTIONS) and Tereza also won Dancer of the Year 2010 for her performance in a production with Anna Polívková.
Peter Šavel (SK)
Dancer, choreographer and dance teacher. He obtained a bachelor degree at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava (focus on pedagogy of modern dance) and then graduated from P.A.R.T.S. (Performing arts research and training studios) in Brussels.
His works have been included in the prestigious selection of the Aerowaves network already four times – in 2006 (One for you, two for me, in collaboration with Stano Dobák), in 2012 (Much more than nothing, in collaboration with ME-SA), in 2013 (Boys Who Like To Play With Dolls in collaboration with Tereza Ondrovánd) and in 2014 (BAKKHEIA, for BOD.Y).
He currently lives and works in Brussels where he cooperates with choreographers Pierre Droulers and Salva Sanchis and works on his own choreographies. Since 2014 he is an artist in residency at the Choreographic centre Charleroi Danses.