Editta Braun Company (Avstrija)
DOVOLJ UMETNOSTI *Schluss mit kunst / Enough of Art
Plesna predstava * a dance performance
Režija in koreografija * Directing and choreography: Editta Braun
So-koreografija * Co-Choreography:Juan Dante Murillo Bobadilla
Izvajalci * Performers:Tomaž Simatović, Špela Vodeb, Manel Salas
Glasba *Composition:Thierry Zaboitzeff
Dramatrugija * Dramaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau
Oblikovanje luči * Light Design: Thomas Hinterberger
Besedila * Texts by: Kurt Palm, Bernhard Jenny, Christian Felber
Vizualna podoba * Visuals: explosive egg, Editta Braun
Produkcija in organizacija festival * Festival production and organization: Mesto žensk;
Koprodukcija * Festival co-producer: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Supported by: Austrian Cultural Forum, EU Culture
Trajanje * Duration: 60 '
Cena * Price: 7 €, 5 € (dijaki, študentje in upokojenci ob predložitvi dokazila ter samozaposleni v kulturi), vstop prost za brezposelne * students and pensioners upon submission of an identity card, and self-employed in culture), unemployed free entry
Trenutno se istočasno soočamo z različnimi globalnimi krizami, ki poglabljajo ena drugo. Podnebne spremembe, finančna kriza, onesnaženje, izumiranje, pomanjkanje tu in preobilje tam – besede, ki jih poznamo vsi, besede, ki nas preplavljajo. Resničnost nas preplavlja. Vsi se tega zavedamo, toda kaj storiti? Kaj lahko naredimo?
Alternativi sta vdaja v usodo ali upor. Da si zatisnemo ušesa ali dvignemo glas. Sedaj, takoj. Zmanjkalo nam je časa za posredna sporočila. Zabave je konec.
In kje je sploh še prostor za umetnost?
Čas se izteka. Ne moremo več pošiljati umetniško nejasnih, polepšanih ali čudnih sporočil, ki bodo utrudila občinstvo in ga zmedla. Morda je umetnost nepotreben balast v odporu proti neizogibnemu pogubljenju.
Bo »Dovolj umetnosti – nehajte se izogibati resničnim problemom!« – naš bojni krik?
Ali pa lahko umetnost uporabimo kot način ozaveščanja, pridobitve novega pogleda na stvari, izkušnje nepredstavljivega, in skozi presenečenja, nepričakovane preobrate in pristope natreniramo naše možgane, da začnejo razmišljati in čutiti drugače in tako morda (morda!) razvijemo ustvarjalne sposobnosti, ki jih potrebujemo, da bi preživeli?
Performerji izpraznijo oder in naredijo prostor za besedilo z interneta, za politično analizo in ognjevite govore. Narative, argumente in zahteve občutijo s telesom, srcem in dušo, dovolijo si, da zapadejo v paradoks ustvarjanja umetnosti v vidu globalne katastrofe in z brezupno slo preplavijo najgloblji kotiček politične umetnosti v njenem najširšem smislu. (Editta Braun Company)
Currently, various global crises superimpose themselves upon each other, making each other worse. Climate change, financial crisis, litter pollution, extinction, starvation here and excess there – catchwords that everybody knows, words that overwhelm us. Reality overwhelms us. Everybody’s in the know, but what should be done? What can we do?
The alternatives are resignation or insurrection. Closing our ears or standing up. Now. Immediately. We no longer have time for indirect messages. The party is over.
And where is there still room for art?
Time is running out. We can no longer send artistically cryptic, prettied-up or outlandish messages that will tire out the audience as it puzzles over them. Maybe art is unnecessary ballast in the resistance against inevitable doom.
Will “Enough of art! – Stop beating around the bush!” be our battle cry?
Or can we use art as a way to empower, to gain a new outlook, to experience the unthinkable and, through surprises and unexpected twists and approaches, train our brains to think and feel differently and thereby maybe (maybe!) develop the creative abilities we need to make survival possible?
The performers clear the stage and make room for plaintext from the Internet, for political analysis and rousing speeches. They feel with body, heart and soul the narratives, arguments and demands, let themselves fall into the paradox of making art in view of global catastrophe and plumb with desperate lust the deepest corners of political art in its broadest sense. (Editta Braun Company)