Editta Braun Company (Avstrija)
planet LUVOS
plesni performans * a dance-theatre performance
Režija in koreografija * Directing and choreography: Editta Braun
Izvajalci * Performers: Špela Vodeb, Dorota Karolina Łęcka, Andrea Maria Handler, Marcella Mancini, Katja Bablick, Sandra Hofstötter, Martyna Lorenc
Glasba * Music: Thierry Zaboitzeff
Oblikovanje luči * Lighting Design: Peter Thalhamer
Dramaturgija * Drmaturgy: Gerda Poschmann-Reichenau
Asistenti koreografije * Choreography assistants: Barbara Motschiunik, Juan Dante Murillo Bobadilla
Produkcija in organizacija festival * Festival production and organization: Mesto žensk;
Koprodukcija * Festival co-producer: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
S podporo * Supported by: Avstrijski kulturni forum, INTPA – Mednarodna mreža za ples in performans Avstrija, EU Kultura * AustrianCultural Forum, INTPA – International Net for Dance and Performance Austria, EU Culture
Trajanje * Duration: 60 ‘
Cena * Price: € 7, € 5(dijaki, študentje in upokojenci ob predložitvi dokazila ter samozaposleni v kulturi), vstop prost za brezposelne *(students and pensioners upon submission of an identity card, and self-employed in culture), unemployed free entry.
INFO: www.cityofwomen.org
Razmišljanje o človeškem samouničenju je vedno znova in zavestno opredeljevalo smer naših raziskav na področju plesa zadnjih deset let. Analiza teze Manfreda Wöhlckeja o »družbeni entropiji«, zastrašujoče posledice genske manipulacije, prilika o družbi, prežeti s krivdo, ki okosteneva v tišini, diagnoza vse večje izgube občutka za sedanjost zaradi pretiranih pričakovanj o rešitvi v prihodnosti, soočenje z neizbrisljivostjo vojne in propadu vseh utopij in nazadnje z vprašanjem, ali je umetnost upravičena v vidu sedanjih humanitarnih in ekoloških katastrof – vse to vodi če že ne do brezupa in vdanosti v usodo, pa do vse bolj nujnega iskanja rešitve, ali – če je res že prepozno – vsaj vzroka, zakaj je prepozno.
S performansom planet LUVOS je krog teh vprašanj sklenjen. Kaže – na tolažeč način – na del nas in v nas, ki smo ga ljudje predolgo zanemarjali ali nanj celo povsem pozabili. Na to, da je padec človeštva opisan kot vrnitev k organskemu bivanju, to, da posameznega uničenja ne doživljamo kot izgubo, temveč harmonično zlivanje v večjo celoto. Spremljamo zadnjo osebo na Zemlji – mlado žensko –, ki se sooča s sprva zastrašujočimi in pošastnimi, čudno vznemirljivimi podmorskimi bitji, ki ji na koncu izkažejo dobrodošlico v njihovem negibnem in harmoničnem svetu. Kar ostane, je v vsakem pogledu večje od človeštva. (Editta Braun Company)
Editta Braun (1958), rojena v Avstriji, je diplomirala na Univerzi v Salzburgu ter študirala ples in igro v New Yorku, Parizu in Grčiji. Predava na Univerzi v Salzburgu in Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität. Po 15 letih odrskega ustvarjanja Editta Braun bolj kot kadarkoli hodi po lastni poti. Z dobršno mero simpatične trme in neobremenjenosti s trenutnimi »modnimi« muhami in trendi je poetična substanca njenega dela precej verodostojen argument proti vsesplošno razširjenemu razočaranju nad svetom. Njena dela zaznamuje izrazit stil, v katerem je čutiti močan vpliv gledališča in performansa, s humorjem in patosom, ki pogosto stopata z roko v roki in sta prepletena z elementi zavezanosti družbeni kritiki. Mojstrska izvedba, inteligentna natančnost in tekoče prehajanje med glasbo in koreografijo so ustvarjalni naboj dramaturškega, koreografskega in plesnega procesa.
For over 10 years, reflecting about human self-destruction has repeatedly and consciously determined the direction of our dance research. The analysis of Manfred Wöhlckes’ thesis of “social entropy”, the fantasy about the frightening prospects of gene manipulation, the parable about a guilt-filled society ossifying in silence, the diagnosis of the increasing loss of a sense of the present through exaggerated expectations of being saved in the future, the confrontation with the ineradicability of war and the collapse of all utopias, and finally with the question of whether art is justified in view of present-day humanitarian and ecological catastrophes – all this leads, if not to despair and resignation, to an increasingly urgent search for a solution, or – if it’s really too late for that – at least for the reason why it’s too late.
With planet LUVOS, the circle of these questions is complete. It points – in a consoling way – to the part of us and in us that we humans have neglected for too long, or even completely forgotten: in that the downfall of mankind is described as a return to an all-organic existence, in that individual destruction is not experienced as a loss but rather as a harmonic merging into a larger whole. We accompany the last person on Earth – a young woman – as she confronts the, at first frightening and eerie, strangely disconcerting submarine creatures who in the end welcome her into their still and harmonious world. What remains is at any rate larger than mankind. (Editta Braun Company)
Editta Braun (1958), born in Austria, with an academic degree from the University of Salzburg, studies dance and acting in New York, Paris and Greece. She teaches at the University of Salzburg, Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität. More than ever, after 15 years on stage, Editta Braun is walking her own particular line. With a good dose of sympathetic stubborness and serenely unconcerned with actual fads and trendy hypes, the poetic substance of her work is quite a plausible argument against the erstwhile obviously commonly accepted disenchantment of the world. Editta Braun’s pieces are characterized by an expressive style, strongly influenced by theatre and performance, with humor and pathos often walking side by side, and are interwoven with elements showing a commitment to social criticism. Serious craftmanship, intelligent precision and an osmotic exchange between composition and choreography are the creative breath of the dramaturgical, choreographic and dance process.