Mariantònia Oliver
plesno-gledališka predstava / a dance-theatre performance
Koreografija in ples / Choreography and Dance: Mariantònia Oliver
Nastopajoče v Ljubljani / Performers in Ljubljana: Mariantònia Oliver, Margarita Roig Babiloni, Juana Ana Tugores Mas, Catalina Mas Mas, Jeronima Font Negre, Isabel Castello Mas, Antonia Torello Roig, Antonia Maria Garau Matas
Podobe / Images: Cecilia Molano
Glasba / Music: Santiago Latorre, Paolo Conte, Dalida
Oblikovanje luči / Lighting Design: Manu Martínez
Producenti in asistenti režije / Production and Direction Assistants: Jaume Manresa, Aina Pascual, Ingrid Medina
Tehnično vodenje / Technical Direction: Xesca Salvà
Tehnični asistent / Technical Assistant: Rafel Mir
Produkcija / Produced by: Cia. Mariantònia Oliver SL
Organizacija / Organisation: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
V sodelovanju / In Collaboration with: Mesto žensk / City of Women
S podporo / Supported by: Veleposlaništvo Španije v Sloveniji / Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Slovenia
INFO./ REZ.: 041 356 184,,, Facebook
Vstopnice / Tickets: 7/5 (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v gledališču / prior reservation or an hour before the performance at the theatre
Foto / Photo: Javier Fernández, Carles Domènech, Mariantònia Oliver
O predstavi
Las Muchas je najnovejša predstava skupine Cie. Mariantònia Oliver, ki je rezultat sodelovanja med koreografinjo Mariantònio Oliver in skupino 11 žensk iz vasi Maria de Salut na Mallorci, starih med 70 in 82 let. Predstava je razmislek o elementih, ki nas opisujejo, in o tem, kako je pri izoblikovanju lastne identitete pomembno, kako nas vidijo drugi. Prvič je bila uprizorjena v muzeju Es Baluard v Palmi na Mallorci.
Skupina Mariantònia Oliver že dolgo deluje na področju uprizoritvenih umetnosti na Balearskih otokih, kamor je prišla leta 2000. Je rezidenčna skupina v Centru kulture Ca Ses Monges, kjer ustvarja predstave, s katerimi želi ples približati široki javnosti. Njen repertoar vključuje predstave, namenjene odrasli publiki, in predstave za vsa občinstva, s katerimi gostuje po Španiji in na številnih mednarodnih festivalih. (Cecilia Molano)
About the performance
Las Muchas is the latest performance of the dance company Mariantònia Oliver and the result of collaboration between the choreographer Mariantònia Oliver and a group of eleven women, the residents of Maria de Salut on Mallorca, aged between 70 and 82. The performance is a reflection on the elements that describe us and the importance of other people's impression of us in the formation of our identity. It was first performed in the Es Baluard Museum in Palma de Mallorca.
The Mariantònia Oliver dance company has been active in the field of performing arts on the Balearic Islands since 2000 when its founder moved to Mallorca. It is the residence group in the Ca Ses Monges cultural centre where they perform and deliver their knowledge of dance to the general public. Their creative work is aimed at both family and adult audiences and they tour in Spain and at a number of international festivals. (Cecilia Molano)
O avtorici
Mariantònia Oliver je po študiju gledališča na Mallorci izobraževanje nadaljevala na Institutu Del Teatre in ga zaključila na Opelding MD v Amsterdamu. Leta 1989 je ustanovila skupino Companyía Mariantònia Oliver, ki je dobitnica več državnih in mednarodnih nagrad. Sledila je serija predstav in krajših del, ki jih je predstavljala v Veliki Britaniji, Franciji, na Nizozemskem, v Italiji, Venezueli in Španiji. Sodelovala je tudi z Markom Tompkinsom, Tomásom Aragayjem, Katie Duck, Kirstie Simson, Murray Louis, Marto Renzi in drugimi. Leta 2000 se je vrnila na Mallorco, kjer je razvila izobraževalne in umetniške projekte za otroke, z avtorskimi deli pa nastopa tako doma kot v tujini.
About the author
After finishing the study of theatre in Mallorca, Mariantònia Oliver pursued her education in the Instituto Del Teatre and completed it at Opelding MD in Amsterdam. In 1989 she founded the Companyía Mariantònia Oliver which received several national and international awards. Her professional career continued with a series of performances and shorter works that were presented in the UK, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Venezuela and Spain. She has worked with Mark Tompkins, Tomás Aragay, Katie Duck, Kirstie Simson, Murray Louis, Marta Renzi and others. In 2002, Mariantònia Oliver settled in Mallorca where she developed educational and art programmes for children while she continues to produce original projects both at home and abroad.