Dana Michel
plesni performans / a dance performance
Koreografija, izvedba, scenografija in kostumografija / Choreography, Performance, Set and Costume Design: Dana Michel
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: Karine Gauthier
Umetniški svetovalci / Artistic Advisors: Ivo Dimchev, Peter James, Mathieu Léger, Antonija Livingstone, Manolis Tsipos
Svetovalec za zvok / Sound Consultant: David Drury
Izvršna producentka / Executive Producer: Marie-Andrée Gougeon (Daniel Léveillé danse)
Koprodukcija / Co-production: Festival TransAmériques, Studio 303
Umetniške rezidence / Creative Residencies: Compagnie Marie Chouinard, MAI, Le Chien Perdu, Usine C, Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique, Studio 303, Agora de la Danse
Organizacija / Organisation: Mesto žensk / City of Women
V sodelovanju / In Collaboration with: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
S podporo / With Support from: Daniel Léveillé danse company (Montreal) v okviru projekta sponzoriranja gostovanj / as part of its touring sponsorship project
INFO./ REZ.: info@cityofwomen.org
Vstopnice / Tickets: 7/5 (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v gledališču / prior reservation or an hour before the performance at the theatre
Foto / Photo: Maxyme G. Delisle, Ian Douglas
About the performance
As a child, Dana Michel would drape a yellow towel on her head in an attempt to emulate the blonde girls at school. As an adult, she now revisits the imaginary world of her alter-ego in a performative ritual free of cover-ups or censorship. Blending austerity and absurdity, she digs into black culture stereotypes, turning them inside out to see whether or not she can relate. We witness her allowing a strange creature to emerge from this excavation in a slow and disconcerting metamorphosis that we follow with fascination. Strongly influenced by the aesthetics of fashion, music videos, queer culture and comedy, Dana Michel quickly emerged as a dance artist. With Yellow Towel, which was developed in Vienna, Brussels, New York, Toronto and in Montreal, she explores new creation territories and most decidedly asserts herself as an artist to watch, a figure of the Montreal underground scene well worth discovering. (Dana Michel)
O predstavi
Dana Michel si je kot otrok ovijala glavo v rumeno brisačo, da bi oponašala svetlolase sošolke. Kot odrasla ženska se vrača v imaginarni svet svojega alter ega v performativnem ritualu, v katerem ni nobenih skrivalnic ali cenzure. S prepletanjem resnosti in šaljivosti koplje po stereotipih črnske kulture in jih razgalja, da bi videla, ali se lahko z njimi poistoveti. Priča smo, ko dopusti čudnemu bitju, da v počasni in vznemirjujoči preobrazbi, ki jo očarani spremljamo, vznikne iz teh izkopavanj. Dana Michel, na katero so močno vplivali estetika mode, glasbeni videii, queer kultura in komedija, je že zgodaj izstopala kot obetavna plesna umetnica. Z Rumeno brisačo, ki je nastajala na Dunaju, v Bruslju, New Yorku, Torontu in Montrealu, odkriva nova ustvarjalna ozemlja in se odločno uveljavlja kot umetnica, ki jo je vredno videti. Lik montrealske underground scene, ki si nedvomno zasluži pozornost. (Dana Michel)
About the author
Originally from Ottawa, Dana Michel switched from the study of marketing to dance at age 25 after attending several raves. A former competitive athlete (track and touch football), she obtained a Fine Arts degree in contemporary dance at Concordia University. In 2005 she made her début with her award-winning solo the greater the weight. The following year The Globe and Mail named her Best Emerging Choreographer, and for three years in a row she was in the Top 10 Choreographers listed in the Montreal weekly The Mirror. The atypical spaces used in events where she performed with the collective Wants&Needs from Montreal are well suited to her marginality and her questioning of gender codes and sexual duality. Her initial works dealt with androgyny, hypersexualization and machismo. With Yellow Towel, she explores new territories with a more interiorized and minimalist dance. Since January, this latest work has been performed in New York, Berlin, and Vienna, among other cities.
O avtorici
Dana Michel, rojena v Ottawi, se je stara 25 let, po obisku številnih rejvov, poslovila od trženja in se posvetila plesu. Nekdanja tekmovalna športnica (tek in touch football) je diplomirala iz sodobnega plesa na Univerzi Concordia. Leta 2005 je debitirala z nagrajenim solom the greater the weight. Naslednje leto jo je časopis The Globe and Mail razglasil za najbolj obetavno koreografinjo in tri leta zapored je bila v montrealskem tedniku The Mirror uvrščena na seznam desetih najboljših koreografov. Netipični prostori za dogodke, ki jih je uprizarjala s kolektivom Wants&Needs iz Montreala, so pisani na kožo njeni marginalosti in prevpraševanju kod spola in spolne dvojnosti. V svojih prvih delih se je ukvarjala z androgenostjo, hiperseksualizacijo in mačizmom. Z Rumeno brisačo z bolj ponotranjenim in minimalističnim plesom odkriva nova ozemlja. Od januarja je s svojim najnovejšim delom med drugim gostovala v New Yorku, Berlinu in na Dunaju.