Andrea Miltnerová
plesni performans / a dance performance
Koncept, koreografija in gib / Concept, Choreography and Movement: Andrea Miltnerová
Zvok in oblikovanje svetlobe / Sound and Lighting Design: Jan Komárek
Produkcija / Produced by: MOTUS o.s. - Alfred in the Courtyard Theatre, Praga
Performans je del programa festivalov Svetlobna gverila in Mesto žensk / the performance is also part of the programme of the City of Women festival.
Produkcija / Produced by: Svetlobna gverila/Forum Ljubljana in PTL
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: Mesto žensk
INFO / REZ: brezplačne vstopnice lahko dvignete v PTL eno uro pred predstavo. Priporočamo rezervacije na ali na tel. 041 365 184.
Foto / Photo: Kryštof Kalina
O predstavi
Plesni solo performans priznane češke ustvarjalke temelji na gibu v kontekstu gibljive podobe in raznovrstnih ritmičnih struktur glasbe oziroma zvokov. Magnetna balerina se giblje znotraj minimalističnega, a razgibanega prostora, ki je bil ustvarjen z mislijo na širitev običajne percepcije in izkušnje plesnega akta. Intenzivna gibalna koreografija se staplja s kolažem zvočnih sekvenc, medtem ko interaktivna zasnova osvetlitve poudarja nenasilno, sicer mestoma ranljivo, a na trenutke kljub temu tudi nekoliko motečo in namerno odbijajočo zasnovo plesnega performansa. Ta kot celota poudarja predvsem avtoričino svojevrstno in neumorno obsesijo z gibanjem.
About the performance
This dance performance by the acclaimed Czech-English artist is based on movement in the context of moving images and manifold rhythmical musical or sound structures. The magnetic ballerina moves within a minimalistic but diversified space created with the intention of widening the normal perception and experience of the dancing action. The intense choreography of movements merges with a collage of sound sequences, while the interactive lighting design accentuates the non-violent, but partly vulnerable and at times even somewhat disturbing and intentionally offensive concept of the dance performance – which, as a whole, accentuates primarily the dancer’s unusual and uncontainable obsession with movement.
O avtorici
Andrea Miltnerová je angleška plesalka in koreografinja čeških korenin, ki trenutno živi in deluje v Pragi. Zadnjih nekaj let se kot ustvarjalka intenzivno posveča baročnim plesom in njihovi kreativni fuziji s sodobnim plesom: ukvarja se z rekonstrukcijami baročnih oper kot tudi s snovanjem avtorskih plesnih performansov, ki temeljijo na raziskovanju giba in etnokoreografskih prvin. Rojena in šolana je bila v Londonu, nakar se je preselila v Prago, kjer kot balerina sodeluje s tamkajšnjim Narodnim gledališčem. Kot performerka sodeluje tudi z različnimi češkimi in tujimi koreografi. Ples magnetne balerine je evropska mreža Aerowaves uvrstila med najbolj pomembne projekte leta 2013. Performans je del projektov New Web in Dance Prague in the regions 2013.
About the author
Andrea Miltnerová is an English dancer and choreographer with Czech roots. Currently she lives and works in Prague. In the recent years she has been intensively engaged in Baroque dancing and its creative fusion with contemporary dance: she is engaged in reconstructions of Baroque operas, but she also creates her own dance performances based on the exploration of movement and ethno-choreographic elements. She was born and studied in London, but later she moved to Prague to collaborate as ballerina with the National Theatre of Prague. She also collaborates with different Czech and foreign choreographers.