Sodelovanje Slovenije z Norveško umetniško mrežo Keðja (Bodø 30. 9. - 4. 10. 2024)
Koncept prvega laboratorija Ples kot upor je odziv na trenutne prekarne in negotove čase. Laboratorij bo ponudil prostor, v katerem se bodo umetniki preko delavnic, okroglih miz in mentorskih seans zbrali, razmišljali, debatirali in raziskovali svoje ustvarjalne prakse v kontekstu umetnosti ter političnih in družbenih sprememb. Laboratorij je namenjen plesalcem, ki se ukvarjajo s političnimi vprašanji, ki se odražajo v njihovem umetniškem ustvarjanju. Na laboratoriju bodo izbrani plesalci razvijali strategije, kako lahko z umetnostjo prispevajo k trajnostnim spremembam. Namenjen je plesalcem/kam z uveljavljeno umetniško prakso, ki jih zanima raziskovanje polja trajnosti v sodelovanju s kolegi v mednarodnem kontekstu.
Laboratorij organizira umetniška mreža Keðja ( Vodilo mreže, ki to edicijo povezuje tri Evropske kulturne prestolnice, Bodø 2024, Nova Gorica 2025 in Oulu 2026 kjer se bodo aktivnosti projekta izvajale, je vzpostavljanje in gojenje kulturnih vezi med sodelujočimi državami. Skupna vizija vseh dejavnosti je premislek o trajnosti in vzpostavitev le-te znotraj plesnega področja na evropski periferiji. Keðja si prizadeva za omogočanje kreativnega prostora umetnikom, kjer lahko delajo in izmenjujejo prakse znotraj laboratorijev ter tako ustvarijo relevantno umetniško delo in formirajo priročnik z idejami za trajnostnost v plesu, ki bo služil prihodnjim akterjem in generacijam.
Prvi laboratorij gosti Davvi ( - Center za uprizoritvene umetnosti, Bodø, Norveška, ki bo v času projekta Kulturna prestolnica leta. Davvi je središče in zbirališče za profesionalne neodvisne skupnosti uprizoritvenih umetnosti. Organizacija je prostor za nove ideje, umetniške raziskave in odprt prostor, kjer je poskrbljeno za različne kulture, kjer se izpodbija hegemonistično razmišljanje in podpira medsektorsko umetniško delo in razmišljanje.
Vodja prvega laboratorija bo Nina Ossavy ( ), večkrat nagrajena performerka, pisateljica in umetnica. Ossavy je magistra gledaliških praks na Rose Bruford College/Manchester University, leta 2013 je ustanovila interdisciplinarno umetniško mrežo CAN (Concerned Artists Norway), v okviru katere je kurirala številne razstave, pripravljala festivale in simpozije ter izdala knjigo On decolonizing nature. Ossavy piše o umetnosti in ekologiji v reviji Ny Tid/Modern ter sodeluje pri večih antologijah. Je prejemnica več štipendij, od leta 2016 pa je prejemnica desetletne državne štipendije za uveljavljene umetnike. Je članica Norveškega združenja dramskih igralcev in Norveškega združenja igralcev.
Partnerji, ki sestavljajo mrežo Keðja so poleg Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana tudi;
• Contemporary Dance Association (LT)
• Dansverkstæðið (IS)
• Estonian Dance Art and Dance Education Union(EE)
• Förvaltningen för Kulturutveckling (SE)
• Latvian Dance Information Centre (LV)
• Regional Dance Centre of Western Finland (FI)
• The Work Room (GB)
• Davvi – Centre for Performing Arts (NO)
Ciljne skupine projekta so profesionalni plesalci, partnerji projekta, plesni strokovnjaki, umetniki in splošna javnost iz nordijskih in baltskih držav, Slovenije, Škotske ter drugih delov Evrope. Te ciljne skupine bodo dosežene neposredno z dejavnostmi v okviru projekta; z aktivnimi udeleženci, ustvarjalci, gledalci ali sodelujočimi v laboratoriju, predstavitvah, seminarjih in delavnicah. Javnost bo dosežena tudi z delitvijo publikacije in umetniških del, nastalih v okviru projekta.
Collaboration between Slovenia and Norway in the frame of the international contemporary dance network Keðja (Bodø 30 September - 4 October 2024)
The concept of the first laboratory Dance as Resistance is a response to the current precarious and uncertain times. The laboratory will offer a space in which artists will meet through workshops, round tables and mentoring sessions to gather, think, debate and research their creative practices in the context of art and political and social changes. The laboratory is intended for dancers who deal with political issues that are reflected in their artistic creation. In the laboratory, the selected dancers will develop strategies, how they can contribute to sustainable change through art. It is intended for dancers with an established artistic practice who are interested in exploring the field of sustainability in collaboration with colleagues in an international context.
International contemporary dance network was created with partners in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Slovenia and Scotland that has existed since 2017. The objective of the network is fostering stronger cultural ties between our countries and contributing to the enrichment of the artistic landscape in all of the countries. The aim with such collaboration is to rethink what sustainability can be for a dance field on the periphery of Europe. We want to create spaces for dance artists to work and learn together in creative labs, create relevant and impactful artistic work and produce and present a publication with recommendations for a sustainable dance field.
The project connects to the three European Capitals of Culture, Bodö 2024, Nova Gorica 2025 and Oulu 2026 where activities in the project will take place. The first lab Dance as Resistance will happen in Bodø, Norway between September 30 and October 4 2024.
The first lab is hosted by Davvi ( - Center for the Performing Arts, Bodø, Norway, which will be the Cultural Capital of the Year during the project. Davvi is the center and a gathering place for the professional independent performing arts community. It's an organization a space for new ideas, artistic research and an open space that caters to the diverse of culture, where hegemonic thinking is challenged and intersectoral artistic work and thinking is supported.
The artistic leader of the first laboratory will be Nina Ossavy (, several times award-winning performer, writer and artist. Ossavy has a master's degree in theater practices at Rose Bruford College/Manchester University, in 2013 she founded an interdisciplinary network CAN (Concerned Artists Norway), within which she curated many exhibitions, organized festivals, symposiums and published the book On decolonizing nature. Ossavy writes about art and ecology in Ny Tid/Modern magazine and participates in several anthologies. She is the recipient of several scholarships, and since 2016 she has been the recipient of a ten-year state scholarship for established artists.
Other partners of Keðja network are:
• Contemporary Dance Association (LT)
• Dansverkstæðið (IS)
• Estonian Dance Art and Dance Education Union(EE)
• Förvaltningen för Kulturutveckling (SE)
• Latvian Dance Information Center (LV)
• Regional Dance Center of Western Finland (FI)
• The Work Room (GB)
• Davvi – Center for Performing Arts (NO)
The target groups of the project are professional dancers, project partners, dance experts, artists and the general public from the Nordic and Baltic countries, Slovenia, Scotland and other parts of Europe. These target groups will be reached directly through activities within the project; with active participants, creators, spectators or participants in the laboratory, presentations, seminars and workshops. The public will also be reached by sharing the publication and artworks created within the framework of the project.