Hyekyoung Kim
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Avtorstvo, koreografija in ples / Authorship, Choreography & Dance: HYEKYOUNG KIM
Glasba / Music: HYEKYOUNG KIM
Kostumografija / Costume Design: YOONKWAN KIM
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: EUN-ME AHN
Produkcija / Produced by: GADJA PRODUCTIONS
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA
Na gostovanju s podporo / On tour with the support of: KAMS - CENTER STAGE KOREA
INFO. / REZ.: 041 365 184, ptl@mail.ljudmila.org, info@ptl-lj.si, Moje karte
Vstopnice / Tickets: 10/7€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v našem gledališču / booking in advance or an hour before the performance at our theatre
V skladu z odloki Vlade RS je udeležba na kulturnih dogodkih dovoljena osebam z negativnim testom na Covid-19, cepljenim ali prebolevnikom (PCT pogoj). / In accordance with the decrees of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, participation in cultural events is allowed to people with a negative test for Covid-19, vaccinated or convalescent people (PCT condition).
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
O predstavi
Z vidika plesa je »resničen obstoj osvoboditev«. Resničen obstoj pomeni fizično substanco. Zavedati se samega sebe kot fizičnega telesa. Zavestno telo in zavestni subjekt sta enaka. Ples sprejme ta fizični objekt kot podobo. Ko slika postane glavni subjekt in se produktivno giba, postane tudi najmočnejše orodje osvoboditve na področju estetike podobe. Med tem presežkom in obilico podob je ples oblika osvoboditve, hkrati pa tudi osvoboditev sama.
Ko je ples počasen in plazeč se, kot kakšna ličinka ali črv, predstavlja izkušnjo osvoboditve od nečesa drugega. Ta posebna izkušnja je izkušnja, ki ljubi izkušnjo, zavedanje izkušnje. Ličinke običajno nimajo zavedanja, toda ta podoba je posebna z zavedanjem. Zavedati se nečesa pomeni imeti dostop prek fizičnega telesa ter se znati vprašati.
Soba za samopomoč <Jajobangbang> ohranja ta dostop in vprašanja in nadaljuje v prostranem prostoru svobode. V Koreji ta prostor razumemo kot sobo. In soba postane igrišče. V Koreji je primerov sob na pretek, dovolj, da se vam zvrti. Igralna soba, video soba, masažna soba, stripovska soba, pevska soba (karaoke) in tako naprej. Ta kultura sob se nahaja na sredini med javno in zasebno sfero. Korejska družba ima raje to posebno izkušnjo posedovanja, močno in začasno, transformacije v prostor, kjer se lahko ljudje skrijejo zelo osebno in zasebno, in nato iz njega ustvarijo prostor osvoboditve, ne kot eden izmed članov družbe. Kaj je zares ta soba, ki je med javnim in zasebnim.
About the performance
In the perspective of dance, ‘Real existence is the liberation.’ Real existence means physical substance. Being aware of itself as a physical body. 자각하는 육체와 자각하는 주체는 같다. Dance accept this physically substantial object as an image. When the image becomes the main subject and productively moves, it also becomes the strongest tool of liberation at the field of image aesthetics. Among these overflowing and abundant images, dance is a tool of liberation but also a liberation itself at the same time.
When dance is thrown, slow and crawling just like a larva or worm, it means to have an experience of being liberated from something else. This special experience is an experience that loves experience, being aware of experience. A larva normally do not have an awareness, but this image is a special one with awareness. To be aware of something is to access through physical body and know how to ask themselves.
<Self Help room > <Jajobangbang> (<자조방방自照房房>) keeps this access and questions, and it proceeds in the substantial space of liberty. In Korea, we see this space as a room. And the room becomes a playground. There are plenty of examples of rooms in Korea, enough to make you dizzy. Game room, Video room, Massage room, Comic room, Singing Room (Karaoke) and etc. This room culture locates itself at the middle step between the public area and private one. Korean society prefer this particular experience of possessing, strongly and temporary, the transformation to place when people can hide very personally and privately then make it as a space of liberation, not as the one of the society members. What really is this room, between the public and private.