Tovarishia dance company, Center plesa Maribor
plesni double bill / a dance double bill
Foto / Photo: Matic Ačko
Koncept in koreografija / Concept and Choreography: Maja Lamovšek
Izvedba / Performance: Rebeka Hanžel, Simona Štangova, Maja Lamovšek
Glasba / Music: Maja Lamovšek, Alva Notto, Manastirea Putna-Toaca
Video: Matic Ačko
Produkcija / Produced by: KD Center Plesa Maribor
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: JSKD Maribor, Plesni Teater Ljubljana
O predstavi
Se telesa gibajo zaradi lastnih impulzov ali so le posledica koreografskega sistema? Se telesa gibajo zaradi lastnih impulzov ali so le posledica koreografskega sistema? Se telesa gibajo zaradi lastnih impulzov ali so le posledica koreografskega sistema?
Loopaj vprašanje, dokler ne najdeš odgovora.
Projekt je igra med postavljenimi kompozicijami ter iskanjem avtentičnega umetniškega pridiha giba, v katerem sodelujejo tri raznolike gibalke. Vrtimo se v že znanih miselnih vzorcih, v strahu, da bi poiskali nekaj novega. Močno zaprt sistem plesne akademije je ustvarjalki projekta odprl vprašanja o svobodi človeka in gibalca. V kakšni meri nas sistemi lahko zablokirajo? Ali želimo “loopati” na istem mestu ali lahko stopimo izven vzorcev in sistemov ter prepoznamo povezave?
About the performance
Do bodies move from their own impulses or are they a consequence of a system? Do bodies move from their own impulses or are they a consequence of a system? Do bodies move from their own impulses or are they a consequence of a system?
Loop the question and loop the movement.
The project is a journey between placed compositions and finding authentic artistry within the move with three diverse movers inspired by drums music from Monastery Putna cultural centre. The creator of the project works with repetitions to question authentic movement and finds different dynamics to it. We loop inside mind patterns - known thinking ways in the fear of opening up and finding new ones. Strong closed system of dance academy pushed the creator of project to question freedom, how much do the systems around us block us? Do we want to loop on the same spot or do we step out of loops, systems and find human connections? The project leaves the questions open to the audience, where it is not important to find the answer, but to let it be in the moment with the dancers.
Foto / Photo: Gregor Salobir
Koncept, koreografija in glasba / Concept, Choreography and Music: Marko Urbanek
Ustvarjalci giba / Creators of Movement: Amy Anne Kennedy, Rebeka Hanžel, Tjaša Šramel, Ana Germ, Maja Arzenšek, Katarina Rijavec, Jure Masten, Maja Lamovšek
Kostumografija / Costume Design: Nena Florjančič
O predstavi
Na eni strani elita, ki operira z vzvodi ujetosti, na drugi množica, ujeta v mreži odvisnosti. In roparski sistem, ki ustvarja dobiček, da za silo potolaži vse tiste, ki po koščkih znotraj umirajo.
Čas za revolt? Ali pa apokaliptični krč, ki mu tudi bogataš ne uide.
About the performance
On one side an elite operating with levers of capture, on the other a crowd captured in a network of addiction. And a robbery system that creates profits to barely comfort all of those who are slowly dying on the inside.
Time to revolt? Or an apocalyptic cramp even a rich man can not escape from.
INFO. / REZ.:,, Moje karte
Vstopnice / Tickets: 7/5€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v gledališču / prior reservation or an hour before the performance at the theatre
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture