Projekt Manada - Horda je plesno delo, ki ga je koreografiral Martin Inthamoussú iz Urugvaja. Njegovo izhodišče je bilo razmišljanje o vlogah spolov kot družbenih konstruktih in ne naravno definiranih vlogah. Sprašuje se, kako ljudje v sodobni družbi gradijo svojo moškost in ženskost ter kako se družba v svojih odločitvah odraža.
Manada je čreda, skupnost, družina, kolektiv petih. Predstavlja čas in prostor za ustvarjanje in uporabo posameznih odločitev, družbenih konstruktov in spolnih vlog.
Tema in vsebina predstave kar kličeta po hordi, večji čredi z večjo raznolikostjo teles, karakterjev, izrazov in kapacitet. Krovni oziroma jedrni skupini se bodo pridružili izvajalci z različnih področij uprizoritvenih umetnosti.
V marcu 2019 izvajamo sklepno dejanje v procesu kreacije gibalne predstave Manada. Vsaj trije od soustvarjalcev predstave so tokrat postavljeni najprej v vlogo mentorjev v okviru tridnevne delavnice, ki se izvede v prostorih Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana.
Datumi izvedbe delavnice so:
15. marec (16.00 – 20.00)
16. marec (10.00 – 14.00 in 16.00 – 20.00)
17. marec (10.00 – 15.00)
Delavnica je za vse potencialne udeležence brezplačna. Med delavnico bo izvedena avdicija, na kateri bodo izbrani člani zasedbe v obsegu do 8 novih pridruženih soustvarjalcev. Novi izvajalci niso izrecno sodobni plesalci, ampak lahko delujejo na drugih uprizoritvenih področjih. Delavnica ni odprta zgolj za profesionalce, ampak vabi k sodelovanju tudi entuziaste. Pogoji so vsaj minimalne odrske izkušnje oziroma osnovne veščine javnega nastopanja, zaželeno je osnovno znanje ali poznavanje improvizacijskih spretnosti. Vsak od udeležencev delavnice ob prijavi odda nekaj stavkov o svojih performativnih izkušnjah in kratko motivacijsko pismo za izbiro tega projekta.
Prijave zbiramo na do petka, 8. 3. 2019. Vsi prijavljeni bodo obveščeni o izboru do torka, 12.3.2019.
Po opravljeni avdiciji se povečana ekipa loti nadgradnje projekta na vajah, ki so predvidene za 22., 23. in 24. 3. 2019
25. in 26. 3. 2019 sledita dve uprizoritvi nove verzije predstave.
Predstava Manada je precej fluidno sosledje improviziranih okolij in tehnično postavljenih situacij, ki omogoča nadgradnjo z vsako posamično izvedbo. Nadgradnja je v manipulaciji posameznih prizorov, izdelanosti gibalnega materiala, kompoziciji osrednjega bolj plesnega dela. Z razširjeno skupino ustvarjalcev bo lahko dosegla svoj originalni naslov Horda.
Project Manada - Herd is an original dance piece choreographed by Martin Inthamoussú from Uruguay. His starting point was thinking about gender roles being social constructs and not naturally defined roles. He questions how people in contemporary society build their masculinity and femininity and how society reflects in their decisions.
Manada is a herd, a community, a family, a collective of five. It represents time and space for creating and using individual decisions, social constructs and gender roles.
The theme and the content of the show call for a horde, larger herd with a greater variety of bodies, characters, expressions and capacities. The umbrella or core group would be joined by performers from various fields of performing arts.
In March 2019, we perform the final act in the process of creating the movement performance Manada. At least three of the co-creators will be first placed in the role as mentors of a three-day workshop which will take place at PTL- Dance Theatre Ljubljana.
The dates of the workshops are:
March 15 (from 16.00 to 20.00)
March 16 (from 10.00 -14.00 and from 16.00 - 20.00)
March 17 (10.00 - 15.00).
The workshop is free to all potential participants. During the workshop an audition will be held, where additional members of the Manada collective will be selected in the range of up to 8 new associate co-creators. New artists are not explicitly contemporary dancers, but can work in other performing areas. The workshop is not open only to professionals, but also invites enthusiasts. The conditions are at least minimal stage experience or the basic skills of public appearance, the basic knowledge or understanding of improvisational skills are desirable. Upon application each participant of the workshop is asked for a few sentences about his or her performative experiences and a short motivational letter why choosing this project.
You can apply at until Friday, 8. 3. 2019. The applicants will be informed about the selection by Tuesday, 12. 3. 2019.
Upon completion of the audition, the enlarged team will be tasked with upgrading the project at the rehearsals scheduled for the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of March, 2019.
Two reprises of the new version of the performance will follow on 25th and 26th March 2019.
The performance Manada is a fairly fluid sequence of improvised environments and technically set situations that allow upgrading with each single execution. The upgrade is in the manipulation of individual scenes, the perfection of movement material, the composition of the central more dance part. With the expanded group of creators, it will be able to reach the original title Horda, meaning the Horde.
Foto / Photo: Drago Videmšek