Gyula Cserepes
plesna predstava * a dance performance
Koreografija/ Choreography: Gyula Cserepes
Izvajalci in soustvarjalci / Performers and Co-creators: Gyula Cserepes, Nina Fajdiga, Januš Aleš Luznar
Zvočna podoba / Sound Image: Januš Aleš Luznar
Umetniško svetovanje in dramaturgija / Artistic Advise and Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Kostumografija / Costume Design: Urška Recer
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting Design: Luka Curk
Producentka / Producer: Katja Somrak
Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana – PRVENEC PTL 2013 / DEBUT PTL 2013
Posebna zahvala / Special Thanks: Milan Tomášik, Katja Legin, Danilo Pečar
»Cigan je metafora umetnika; nomada, ki stalno spreminja svoj dom, da si omogoči lastno preživetje. Zna vse in ničesar. Cigan je simbol svobode, ideal, ki ga hočemo vsi doseči; včasih pridemo bliže, včasih se oddaljimo, a dotakniti se ga ne moremo. Totalna svoboda je nedosegljiv ideal, saj svet, v katerem bivamo, ni popoln. In bolj ko skušamo trmasto stremeti k popolnosti, več napetosti ustvarjamo, vse dokler svet ne poči … kot jajce … Večni cilj vesolja je ravnotežje.«
Gyula Cserepes
»Gypsy is a metaphor of an artist; a nomad who is constantly changing his home to make his own survival possible. He knows all and nothing. Gypsy is a symbol of freedom, an ideal we all want to achieve; sometimes we come close, at times we move away, yet we cannot touch it. Total freedom is anunattainable ideal, as the world we live in is not perfect. And the more we try to stubbornly strive for perfection, we create more tension, so long until theworld cracks … like an egg … The eternal goal of the universe is equilibrium.«
Gyula Cserepes