CoFestival 2013 / Program PTL MedUkrep: ]ODPRTO-ZAPRTO[
Javna predstavitev koreografske delavnice / public showing og choreographic worshop
Mentor: Matej Kejžar
Ples/ Dance: udeleženci delavnice/ workshop participants
Produkcija/ Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana – Program MedUkrep, festivalski program plesnih perspektiv
Potek delavnice/ Course of the workshop: 15. - 19. 6. 2013, vsak dan od 10.00 – 12.00 in 13.00 – 16.00
Plesni Teater Ljubljana, Prijateljeva 2, Prule
Javni predstavitvi delavnice / Public showings:
18. 6. 2013 ob 16.00 at PTL
21. 6. 2013 ob 20.00 Kino Šiška
Med-Ukrep je kontinuiran program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana, ki se ukvarja z razvojnimi strategijami sodobnega plesa. Daje prednost procesu pred rezultatom, ter ustvarjalcem in drugim akterjem omogoča, da na plesno polje vstopajo z drugačnimi načini sodelovanj, povezovanj in iniciativ.
V letu 2013 je poudarek na mentorskem delu pri razvijanju koreografskih praks različnih formatov in preizkušanju postopkov, ki afirmirajo mnoštvo razlik ter fluidno polje ustvarjalnega mišljenja. V ta namen zastavljena platforma pod skupnim imenom ]odprto-zaprto[ spodbuja kontinuirano mentorsko delo z mladimi, ki jo bo začel mednarodno uveljavljeni koreograf, mentor in pedagog Matej Kejžar, ki je pred 15-leti v Plesnem Teatru Ljubljana ustvaril svoj koreografski Prvenec PTL z naslovom Distanca (1998), danes pa deluje kot član belgijske skupine Rosas in kot samostojni ustvarjalec v sodelovanju z zavodom Pekinpah / Kink Kong.
V koreografski delavnici Tajm & Spejs Remiks bo Matej Kejžar skupaj s plesalci razvijal različne pristope do simultanosti, premen, ritmičnosti in trajanja v koreografiji, ki bistveno vplivajo tako na kompozicijo nastajajočega materiala kot na percepcijo pogleda.
Med-Ukrep / Interim Measures, is a continuous programme of PTL – Dance Theatre Ljubljana which is engaged in the development strategies of contemporary dance. It favours prior to result and enables the artists and other actors to enter the dance field with different modes of cooperation, networking and initiatives.
In 2013 the focus is on mentoring work in developing choreographic practices of various formats and testing the procedures that affirm a multitude ofdifferences and the fluid field of creative thinking. For this purpose the organized platform under the common name ]open-closed[ encourages continuousmentoring work with young people, which will be launched by internationally renowned choreographer, mentor and pedagogue Matej Kejžar who created his choreographic debut PTL entitled Distanca / Distance (1998) in Dance Theatre Ljubljana and today works as a member of the Belgian group Rosas and as a freelancer in collaboration with the Institute Pekinpah / Kink Kong.
In the choreographic workshop Time and Space Remix Matej Kejžar will develop with the dancers different approaches to simultaneity, transformations,rhythm and duration in a choreography which significantly affect both the composition of the emerging material as the perception of the view.