Rosana Hribar - Gregor Luštek
plesno-gledališka predstava / a dance-theatre performance
Koreografija in izvedba / Choreography and Performance: Rosana Hribar, Gregor Luštek
Glasba / Music: Violin Concerto and Opening by Philip Glass, ©1987, 1981 Dunvagen Music Publishers Inc. Used by Permission.
Oblikovanje luči / Lighting Design: LCLights
Izdelava kostuma / Costume Make: Katarina Škaper
Producentka / Producer: Živa Brecelj
Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: Univerza v Ljubljani, Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo
Predstava je magistrsko delo - Umetnost giba Rosane Hribar
The performance is the MA work - The Art of Movement by Rosana Hribar
Mentor: red. prof. Tanja Zgonc
Rosana Hribar in Gregor Luštek sta prejemnika najvišje državne nagrade za umetniške dosežke Nagrade Prešernovega sklada 2015 / Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek are the receivers of the highest national award for artistic achievements The Prešeren’s Fund Award 2015
Predstava sodi tudi v Abonma Transferzala, abonma 5-ih ljubljanskih neodvisnih odrov (Gledališče Glej, Mini teater, Plesni Teater Ljubljana, Stara elektrarna in Španski borci). Več:
Abonma Tranferzala lahko kupite v vseh petih gledališčih, tudi v Plesnem Teatru Ljubljana, ali preko spleta:
INFO./ REZ.: 041-707-475,,, Facebook
Vstopnice / Tickets: 12/8 (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors), predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v gledališču / prior reservation or an hour before the performance at the theatre
Foto / Photo: Miha Sagadin
O predstavi
»Eppur si muove!« (Galileo Galilei)
Kako okusiti odnos, slišati gib, videti besedo, ki ni nikoli izrečena, temveč ves čas ostaja na konicah prstov in na površini grodnice? Kako začutiti govorico kot serijo preveč izrečenih besed, ki težijo telo in upočasnijo korak? In vendar se premika, ves čas, povsem na površini, vedno drugače! Plesni in koreografski par Rosana Hribar in Gregor Luštek, ki ju v zadnjih letih skupnega ustvarjanja zaznamujejo predvsem serije duetov spektakularnega tarantinovskega pas de deuxa, v duetu 16 obračata nov list na poti skupnega ustvarjanja; ki ga opredeljuje vzdržljivost izplesovanja, mehkejši tonus gibanja in leta, ki so se vmes nabrala.
About the Performance
»Eppur si muove!« (Galileo Galilei)
How to taste the relationship, hear the movement, see the word that is never delivered but always remains at the tips of the fingers and on the surface of the sternum? How to feel the language as a series of over-expressed words that weight the body and slow the step? And yet it moves, all the time, entirely on the surface, always differently! The dance and choreographic couple Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek that have been in recent years of joint creation especially marked by the series of duets like spectacular Tarantino’s pas de deux, in the duet 16 turn a new page on the path of joint creation; defined by the endurance of dancing out, softer tonus of movement and the years that have accumulated in the meantime.
Odlomki iz kritik
»Čeravno sta nedavno vstopila v štirideseta leta, ko je profesionalno plesalčevo telo zaznamovano z nemalo poškodbami, s povezavo inteligence, izjemne discipline, vztrajnosti in osebnostne zrelosti ohranjata osupljivo raven.» Mojca Kumerdej, Delo
»Umetniški vrhunec letošnje sodobne plesne bere pa se zgodi prav ob koncu leta na odru PTL s premiero novega dueta Rosane Hribar in Gregorja Luštka, z avtorsko predstavo 16.» Daliborka Podboj, Parada plesa
»Rosana Hribar in Gregor Luštek. Mojstra koreografske pisave. Dvojec, ki vedno znova navdušuje… To je predstava, ki se je dobesedno ne sme zamuditi, in je velik dogodek naše sodobne plesne umetnosti.» Daliborka Podboj, Parada plesa
Excerpts from Press Reviews / Critics
"Even though they have recently entered the Forties, when the professional dancer’s body is marked by a great deal of damage, through linking intelligence, exceptional discipline, perseverance and personal maturity they maintain a stunning level." Mojca Kumerdej, Delo
"The artistic highlight of this year's contemporary dance yield happens right at the end of this year on stage of PTL with the premiere of a new duo by Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek with their performance 16." Daliborka Podboj, Parada plesa
"Rosana Hribar and Gregor Luštek. Masters of choreographic writing. The duo, who always fascinates… This is a show that literally should not be missed and is a big event of our contemporary dance art." Daliborka Podboj, Parada plesa