Natalija Manojlović Varga
plesna predstava za mlade od 8. leta dalje / a dance performance for children 8+
Avtorstvo, koreografija, režija / Created, Choreographed & Directed by: NATALIJA MANOJLOVIĆ VARGA
Soustvarjanje in izvedba / Co-created & Performed by: BARBARA KANC, KATARINA BARBARA KAVČIČ POPIČ, AJA ZUPANEC
Glasba / Music: MARIO MAROLT
Vizualna podoba / Visual Identity: ANDREJ ŠTULAR
Kostumi / Costumes: SLAVICA JANOŠEVIĆ
Oblikovanje luči in tehnične rešitve / Lighting Design & Technical Solutions: JANKO OVEN
Kreativna producentka / Creative Producer: KATJA SOMRAK
Uporabljena glasba / Songs used by permission of: MARIO MAROLT, PETER MIHELIČ, SPACE ORCHESTRA, QUASAR, CLAIR AUDIENT
Produkcija / Production: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA
Zahvala / Thanks to: Mateja Dermelj, Dario Varga, Podravka Slovenija,…
INFO. / REZ.: 041-365-184,,, Moje karte
Vstopnice / Tickets: 6 €, predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v našem gledališču / prior booking or an hour before the performance at our theatre
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
Foto / Photo: Drago Videmšek
Ali ste vedeli, da je ledena gora, ki jo vidimo v morju, v resnici samo njen vrh? 7/8 ledene gore je potopljene v morje in jo v globini vidijo samo prebivalci mrzlega morja.
Že nekaj časa internet ni samo informacijski medij, ampak paralelni svet, v katerem informacije živijo lastno življenje, urejeno po lastnih pravilih – po zakonu interneta. Ta svet soobstaja s svetom resničnosti in spominja nanj, saj so informacije o ljudeh in dogodkih izbrani in urejeni trenutki iz resničnega sveta. Zaradi tega včasih ne ločimo resnice od njene virtualne različice.
Razlika je pa v kontroli (CTRL.). Ljudje, ki »živijo« v ekranih, so urejena verzija tistih, ki jih mogoče celo poznamo, ali mislimo da jih poznamo, s katerimi delimo lastno podobo ali iz te podobe izbiramo vrh ledene gore, ki bo zastopal našo identiteto v virtualni resnici.
Virtualna identiteta je »profil«, poenoten obrazec za razumevanje lastne podobe, ki funkcionira bolj kot pobarvanka kakor list za risanje osebnosti. Ko se med mladimi začne razvijati samopodoba pod vplivom izbire »The best of«, lahko nastane problem – kaj se dogaja s preostankom ledene gore, kam naj naslovimo potopljenih 7/8 osebnosti, ki ni za javnost – ki ni lepa, ni srečna, ni pobarvana, ali se celo sploh še ni razvila?
Ko se mavrična podoba z interneta preseli v realno okolje, v parke, na šolske hodnike in učilnice (SHIFT.), kontrola nima radirke ali funkcije »razveljavi«. Če nam je vsebina pod bleščečim površjem sploh znana, ali znamo z njo hoditi, govoriti in ohranjati odnose?
Predstava CTRL.SHIFT.ESC. opozarja prav na ta problem. Informacijske tehnologije in z njo povezanih navad sodobnega sveta ne moremo zanikati niti prepovedati (DEL.). Ne obstaja pobeg iz virtualne resničnosti, obstaja le pobeg iz njenih pasti (ESC.)
Šele ko nam uspe razumeti virtualno vsebino kot vrh ledene gore, lahko ohranjamo zdravo identiteto v celoti.
Did you know that an iceberg we see in the see is in fact just the tip of it? 7/8 of the iceberg is submerged in the sea, only seen by the inhabitants of the cold deep sea.
For a while now, the internet is no longer just an information medium, but rather a parallel world in which information lives its own life, with its own rules – the law of the internet. This world coexists with the world of reality and resembles it, with the information about people and events being selected and edited moments from the real world. This is why we sometimes struggle to distinguish between the truth and its virtual version.
The difference is in the control (CTRL.). People who “live” inside screens are the organized version of those who we may even know, or think we know, with whom we share our own image or pick the tip of the iceberg out of it, which will represent our identity in virtual reality.
Virtual identity is a “profile”, a unified template for understanding one’s own image, which functions more as a coloring book than as a personality drawing sheet. Once the young begin to develop their self image under the influence of choosing “The best of”, we may have a problem: what is happening to the remaining part of the iceberg, where should we address the submerged 7/8 of a personality, which is not for the public – which is not beautiful, not painted, or not even developed yet?
When the rainbow image from the internet transfers into the real environment, in parks, school hallways and classrooms (SHIFT.), the control has no eraser or “cancel” function. If we are at all familiar with the content under the shiny surface, do we know how to walk with it, talk to it, maintain relations with it?
The performance CTRL.SHIFT.ESC. draws attention to this exact problem. It is not possibly to deny or ban (DEL.) the information technology and the related modern world habits. There is no escaping virtual reality, one can only escape its traps (ESC.).
We are only able to maintain a healthy identity once we manage to understand the virtual content as the peak of the iceberg.
O avtorici
Natalija Manojlović Varga je diplomirala psihologijo na zagrebški Filozofski fakulteti (2010). Kot koreografinja se je z avtorsko predstavo Virus 098 prvič predstavila že leta 1998 na odru HNK v rodnem Osijeku. Od takrat naprej dela kot koreografinja, režiserka, pa tudi avtorica besedil pri več kot dvajsetih plesnih in dramskih predstavah – Vodoinštalater (2009), Prekleta golazen (2011), Adam in Eva (2013), Zakulisje prvakov (2014) in Mrtva svatba (2016) so samo nekatere med odmevnejšimi.
Čeprav rada izpostavlja, da je dramsko akademijo končala s številnimi asistencami pri velikih režiserjih na Hrvaškem in v Sloveniji (več kot 30 koreografskih asistenc), je leta 2018 končala tudi Akademijo dramskih umetnosti kot gledališka in radijska režiserka.
About the author
Natalija Manojlović Varga graduated in Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb in 2010. As a choreographer, she presented herself for the first time in 1998 with her own performance Virus 098 at the Croatian national theatre Osijek. Since then, she has worked as a choreographer, director, as well as author of more than twenty dance and theatre performances – Plumber (2009), Damn Bastards (2011), Adam and Eve (2013), Backstage of Champions (2014), and Dead Wedding (2016), to name the most prominent ones.
Although she likes to point out that she graduated from the Drama Academy with various assistances to Croatian and Slovenian directors (more than 30 choreographic assistances), she also graduated from the Academy of Dramatic Arts as a theatre and radio director.