Matej Kejžar
Festival Gibanica
Avtorstvo in koreografija / Concept and Choreography: Matej Kejžar
Izvedba / Performers: Matej Kejžar (ples / dance), Marjan Stanić (glasba v živo / live music)
Oblikovanje svetlobe / Lighting design: Petra Veber
Tehnična obdelava videa / Video processing: Andraž Avsec
Tehnični direktor / Technical director: Zoran Grabarac
Producent / Producer: Žiga Predan
Produkcija / Produced by: Pekinpah / Kink Kong
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana Dance Theatre Ljubljana
VSTOPNICE / TICKETS: cena vstopnice / Ticket price: 7 €, 5 € (mlajši od 25 let in starejši od 65 let ter upokojenci / youth under 25, people over 65 and pensioners)
Cena kompleta za vse predstave na festivalu / Price for the festival pass: 45 €
Prodajna mesta / Ticket sale: Informacijsko središče in prodaja vstopnic Cankarjevega doma (podhod Maxija) +386 1 2417 299, - ob delavnikih odprto od 11. do 13. in od 15. do 20. ure, ob sobotah od 11. do 13. ter uro pred prireditvami. Nakup vstopnic tudi pri pooblaščenih prodajalcih (M holidays, Petrol, Kompas, Alpetour, idr.), s plačilnimi karticami po T (01) 2417 300, ob delavnikih od 9. do 18. in ob sobotah od 11. do 13. ure, ter na / Cankarjev Dom information centre and ticket sale (Maximarket underpass)
+386 1 2417 299, - open every workday from 11am to 1pm and from 3pm to 8pm, on Saturdays from 11am to 1pm and an hour before the event. Tickets are also available at authorised sale points (M holidays, Petrol, Kompas, Alpetour, etc.), with credit cards over the phone (01) 2417 300, on workdays from 9am to 6pm and on Saturdays from 11am to 1pm, and at
Na dan predstave, uro pred predstavo v našem gledališču / On the day of the performance an hour before the performance in the theatre
Foto / Photo: Matija Lukič
O predstavi
Udarec pod popkom
Koreograf in plesalec Matej Kejžar se v zvočno-gibalnem performansu obrača nazaj k telesu, k osvoboditvi vseh njegovih konotacij in reprezentacij, k vztrajanju v izčrpavanju, ki je hkrati gonilo giba in proizvodnja užitka. Kejžar, ki v zadnjem času največ sodeluje z belgijsko skupino Rosas, v tandemu z bobnarjem Marjanom Stanićem v več kot enournem šusu razteleša uveljavljene ritmične vzorce, v katerih samega sebe komaj pusti dihati, gledalca pa gledati. Telo postane ritem, njegova pulzija nenehno komunicira s setom bobnov, katerih zvok razteleša prostor, ki ga sproti zarisuje Kejžar: »Telo je danes izčrpano, saj je že prešlo meje vsakršnih konotacij in se medtem emancipiralo od materije same. Problem ni v novih predlogih, temveč v predlogih, ki spremembe napovedujejo.« Tokratni Hit je udarec, ki je potreben, da se prostor zatrese in misel zgodi, njegovo ponavljanje pa razpira nove prostore čutnega.
About the performance
Hit under the belly
In this sound-physical performance, the choreographer and dancer Matej Kejžar returns to the body. To liberation from all connotations and representations and to persistence through exhaustion – which is both a driving force for movement and the production of pleasure. Kejžar who has recently mostly collaborated with the Rosas Group of Belgium, in tandem with drummer Marjan Stanic in an intense drumming tour-de-force lasting over one hour dismembers established rhythmic patterns so that he can hardly breathe or the spectator watch. The body becomes a rhythm, its pulsation constantly communicates with a set of drums, the sound of which dissects the space simultaneously delineated by Kejžar: “Today, the body is exhausted as it has already passed the limits of any connotation and in the meantime has become emancipated from matter itself. The issue isn’t new proposals but rather proposals that anticipate changes.” This Hit is the blow required for the space to shake and a thought to happen and its repetition introduces new spaces of the sensorial.