Aparat Teatar
3Bees / 3B's
glasbeno - gledališka predstava / music and theatre performance
Avtorica projekta / Author of project: Belma Lizde Kurt
Scenarij in režija / Written and directed: Aleš Kurt
Koreografija / Choreography: Branko Potočan
Vizualije / Visuals: Adisa Vatreš Selimović
Zasedba / Cast: 3B’s: Belma Alić (violončelo), Belma Šarančić (harmonika), Belma Lizde Kurt (glas)
Gostje / Guests: Tamara Arsovski (violina), Branko Potočan (plesalec)
Projekt mobilnosti podpira Culture Moves EUROPE, projekt, ki ga financira Evropska unija. / Mobility project is supported by Culture Moves EUROPE, a project founded by the European Union
F: Dzenad Dreković
About project:
The spectacular musical and theatrical performance, “You are not alone”, tells an intricate story about the human destruction of our motherland. It tells a story about hate, rage, war…loss of solidarity. It tells a story about the twisted world we are witnessing today. But it is not just a story, it’s an experience filled with emotion, knowledge, music, and movement.
The core of the play is the group 3Bees composed of three artists: Belma Alić (cello), Belma Šarančić (accordion), and Belma Lizde-Kurt (voice), and by their side are two guest performers: a violinist, Tamara Arsovski, and a choreographer and dancer, Branko Potočan. The play, built upon these various talents and perspectives, integrates contemporary dance and circus techniques, poetry, classical and modern compositions, alternative and traditional sounds to enhance empathy, understanding, and connection.
„You are not alone“ expresses what cannot be said, yet should never be silenced. It is a multidisciplinary experience where movement adds a necessary component to the story told through sound – imagery. Where the sound conducts a flow of movements, crafting a river that ties the unseen with the unheard, both striving to leave the audience speechless. Where the elements of theatre embrace all this together into a vivid story with a beginning and an end…or perhaps leaves the end to the audience. It shines light upon the importance of the message sought through the strings of each instrument and strikes of each moving instance.
Let's not be alone for at least one night!
O projektu:
Spektakularna glasbeno-gledališka predstava „Nisi sam“ pripoveduje prepleteno zgodbo o uničevanju naše matere Zemlje. Govori o sovraštvu, jezi, vojni … o izgubi solidarnosti. Pripoveduje o izkrivljenem svetu, kateremu smo priča danes. Vendar to ni le zgodba, temveč doživetje, polno čustev, znanja, glasbe in gibanja.
Jedro predstave je skupina 3Bees, ki jo sestavljajo tri umetnice: Belma Alić (violončelo), Belma Šarančić (harmonika) in Belma Lizde-Kurt (glas). Ob njih pa nastopata še dva gostujoča izvajalca: violinistka Tamara Arsovski in koreograf ter plesalec Branko Potočan. Predstava, ki združuje raznolike talente in perspektive, vključuje sodobni ples in cirkuške tehnike, poezijo, klasične in moderne kompozicije ter alternativne in tradicionalne zvoke, s čimer spodbuja empatijo, razumevanje in povezanost.
„Nisi sam“ izraža tisto, česar ni mogoče povedati, a ne sme nikoli ostati zamolčano. Gre za multidisciplinarno izkušnjo, kjer gibanje doda potrebno komponento k zgodbi, pripovedovani skozi zvok – skozi podobe. Kjer zvok usmerja tok gibanja, ustvarja reko, ki povezuje nevidno z neslišanim, oboje pa stremi k temu, da poslušalcem vzame sapo. Kjer gledališki elementi vse skupaj združijo v živo zgodbo z začetkom in koncem … ali pa konec prepustijo občinstvu. Predstava osvetljuje pomen sporočila, ki ga nosijo strune vsakega instrumenta in udarci vsakega giba.
Vsaj za eno noč – bodimo skupaj!
INFO. / REZ.: 040 345 477, plesniteaterljubljana@gmail.com, mojekarte
Vstopnice / Tickets: 10/7€ (dijaki, študenti, upokojenci / scholars, students, seniors) predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v našem gledališču / booking in advance or an hour before the performance at our theatre
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture