Milan Tomášik
plesni solo / a dance solo
Koncept, koreografija in ples/ Concept, choreography and dance: Milan Tomášik
Dramaturgija/ Dramaturgy: Samo Gosarič
Avtorska glasba/ Author of Music: Janez Krstnik Dolar, Sašo Kalan
Oblikovanje luči/ Lighting design: Luka Curk
Kostumografija in scenografija/ Costume and set design: Jasna Vastl
Muzikološko svetovanje/ Advisor for musicology: Lidija Podlesnik Tomášiková
Svetovanje za historične plese/ Adviser for historical dance: Lieven Baert
Produkcija/ Produced by: Zavod Muzeum, Philéas Productions (Belgija), Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Koprodukcija/ Co-produced by: STUK, Leuven (Belgija), Stanica Žilina-Zariéčie (Slovaška)
REZ.:,, 041-707-475
Vstopnice/Tickets: 8/6 € (dijaki, štidenti, upokojenci/ scholars, students, pensioners) ali/or uro pred predstavo v gledališču/ an hour before the performance at the theatre
Plesni projekt Milana Tomášika se sprašuje o možnosti oblikovanja novega telesa, novega giba, postavlja dihanje nasproti ritmu glasbe ter sooča gibalne impulze sodobnega plesalca z baročno glasbo. Vzpostavlja napeto razmerje med zunanjimi vplivi zgodovine plesa ter notranjimi vzgibi in koncentracijo plesalca. Poiskati poskuša potencialnost telesa, ki bi gibajoče, plesno telo popeljalo v možnost izstopa izven prepoznavnih plesnih tehnik in socialnih pomenov telesa.
„Predstava Off-Beat po eni strani izvaja neke vrste arheologijo gest, preučuje stara in nova plesna izrazna sredstva in jih po drugi strani ironično presoja. Že samo način, kako kostumiranost manipulira gibe (v izgledu umetnika kot tudi zaznavanju občinstva), mojstrsko reflektira smisel in nesmisel pojmovanja avtentičnosti. […] Pametno raziskovanje plesa s plesnimi sredstvi.”
Steffen Georgi, Leipziger Volkzeitung, 19. 9. 2013
„Tomášik povezuje dva na videz nezdružljiva svetova: formalizem z avtentičnostjo izraza. […] Solo odraža precizno obvladovanje plesnega izraza, pri tem pa učinkuje spontano in sproščeno.“
Marek Godovič, Gledališki inštitut Bratislava, 19. 10. 2013
Koreograf in plesalec Milan Tomášik prihaja iz Prievidza na Slovaškem. Ples je študiral na J. L. Bellu konzervatoriju v Banski Bystrici in na Akademiji za uprizoritvene umetnosti v Bratislavi. Leta 2004 je diplomiral mednarodni plesni šoli P.A.R.T.S. v Bruslju, ki jo vodi Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker (Rosas). Od leta 2000 sodeluje z nemško koreografinjo Evo Weissmann (Freiburg) in v njeni režiji ustvaril Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights and Nenne Mir Musa. Leta 2001 je sodeloval na dunajskem ImpulsTanz Festivalu kot štipendist Dance Web in istega leta odšel na gostovanje z nizozemsko skupino MAPA (Moving Academy for Performing Art). Milan Tomášik je sodeloval z umetniki kot so Jackie Gray (NZ), Katarína Mojžišová (SK), Anton Lachký, Jochem Stavenuiter, Zuzana Hájková,Tomáš Krivošík. Leta 2003 je ustvaril svoj prvi solo z naslovom Sedemminutna runda po navdihu Gertrude Stein in skupaj z afriško umetnico Justino Zimba duet Kutatxina. Leta 2004 je prejel Nagrado mesta Prievidza za predstavljanje sodobnega plesa doma in v tujini. Sodeloval je z Iztokom Kovačem in skupino En-Knap v predstavi Woferl osebno (Mozart-hype as I wanna be) ter z Malo Kline in Majo Delak v predstavi Galerija mrtvih zensk. Aprila 2006 je v produkciji Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana (PTL) ustvaril plesni solo Within in 2008 skupaj z Alexandrom Gottfarbom predstavo Baga-Basta. Njegove pedagoške izkušnje predstavljajo vodenje plesnega izobraževanja in izpopolnjevanja za profesionalne plesalce in skupine kot so En-Knap, Štúdio Tanca, PTL, pa tudi na poletnih delavnicah in festivalih v Pragi, Zvolenu, Metliki, Antwerpnu, Leuvenu in Bruslju. Milan Tomášik je soustanovitelj plesnega kolektiva Les SlovaKs dance collective.
Foto: Nada Žgank
The dance project by Milan Tomášik addresses the possibility of shaping a new body and a new movement; it faces the breathing to the rhythm of music and confronts the motor impulses of a contemporary dancer with the baroque music. The performance establishes a tense relation between the external influences of the dance history and internal impulses as well as the dancer's concentration. The project aims to find the physical potentiality that would allow a moving and dancing body to step out of the recognizable dance techniques and social notions of the body.
„The performance Off-Beat on the one hand performs a kind of archaeology of gestures, examines old and new dance means of expression, and on the other hand ironically judges them. Just already the way how the costume design manipulates movements (in the appearance of the artist as well as in the perception of the audience), masterfully reflects the sense and nonsense notion of authenticity. [...] A smart exploration of dance with dance means. (Steffen Georgi, Leipziger Volkzeitung, 19. 9. 2013)
„»Tomášik connects two seemingly incompatible worlds: a formalism with the authenticity of the expression. [...] The Solo reflects a precise control of dance expression, while it looks spontaneous and relaxed. (Marek Godovič, Theatre Institute Bratislava, 19. 10. 2013)
Milan Tomášik is a choreographer and dancer coming from Prievidza (Slovakia). He studied dance at Conservatory J. L. Bellu in Banská Bystrica and at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. In 2004 he finished an international dance school P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels, led by Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker (Rosas). Since 2000 he collaborates with the German choreographer Eva Weissmann (Freiburg) and under her direction created Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights and Nenne Mir Musa. In 2001 he joined Impuls Tanz festival in Wien as Dance Web scholarship holder and the same year went on tour with the Dutch company MAPA (Moving Academy for Performing Art). Milan Tomášik has been working with several artists like Jackie Gray, Katarína Mojžišová, Anton Lachký, Jochem Stavenuiter, Zuzana Hájková,Tomáš Krivošík. In 2003 he created his first dance solo called 7 Minutes Round inspired by Gertrude Stein and duo Kutatxina together with an African artist Justino Zimba. In 2004 he received a Prize of the City Prievidza for the achievement of representing contemporary dance home and abroad. He has been working with Iztok Kovač and En-Knap company in the performance Woferl osebno (Mozart-hype as I wanna be) and with Mala Kline and Maja Delak in the performance Galerija mrtvih žensk (Gallery of dead women). In April 2006 he created under the production house of PTL (Dance Theatre Ljubljana) a dance solo Within and in 2008 together with Alecander Gottfarb Baga-Basta. His teaching experiences include professional companies like En-Knap, Štúdio Tanca, PTL, but also summer dance courses and festivals in Praha, Zvolen, Metlika, Antwerp, Leuven, Brussels. Milan Tomášik is co-founder of Les SlovaKs dance collective.
Photo: Nada Žgank