21. Mednarodni festival MLADI LEVI 2018
Silke Huysmans, Hannes Dereere
dokumentarna predstava / a documentary performance
Igra / Performance: Silke Huysmans
Dramaturški svetovalec / Dramaturgical advice: Dries Douibi
Tehnična podpora / Technical support: Christoph Donse
Scena / Scenography: Frédéric Aelterman, Luc Cools
Portugalski prepisi / Portuguese transcriptions: Luanda Casella, Miguel Cipriano
Produkcija / Production: Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek, Bâtard Festival
Koprodukcija / Co-production: Noorderzon Festival, KAAP Creative Compass
Rezidence / Residencies: Veem House For Performance, Campo, CC De Grote Post,
KAAP Creative Compass, Grand Theatre Groningen, Kunstenwerkplaats
Pianofabriek, Vooruit Arts Centre
S podporo / Supported by: Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Sabam For Culture
Foto / Photo: Hugo Cordeiro
INFO. / REZ.: 051-269-906, info@bunker.si
Vstopnice / Tickets: 1€, predhodna rezervacija ali uro pred predstavo v našem gledališču / prior booking or an hour before the performance at our theatre
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
O predstavi
Silke Huysmans in Hannes Dereere sta gledališka ustvarjalca, partnerja v umetnosti, ki sta ravno skupaj razvijala svoj projekt, ko je v Braziliji, v zvezni državi Minas Gerais, popustil jez in strupeno blato je uničilo številne vasi ter zdrselo v reko Doce. Huysmans je bila v tej regiji rojena in osebna povezava, kataklizmičnost katastrofe ter že vnaprejšnja odločenost, da bosta ustvarjala na temo katastrofe in ponavljanja zgodovine, ju je spodbudila, da sta odpotovala v Minas Gerais.
V Rudarskih zgodbah sta dala glas drugim; Silke Huysmans je na odru kot MC, ki upravlja z dokumentarnim zvočnim materialom, ki pa ni sestavljen samo iz pričevanj prebivalcev Minas Geraisa, ampak tudi različnih raziskovalcev in teoretikov. Rudarske zgodbe so dokumentarna predstava, kjer avtorja - tako kot vsi mi – ob neizmerljivosti tragedije samo molčita. A vendar naredita ključni korak naprej – če smo mi vsi lahko samo tiho, vsaj data glas tistim, ki imajo kaj povedati in ki so prizadeti. A smo v času enominutnih videov sploh še sposobni koga pozorno poslušati? Od glasov posameznikov do kakofonije katastrofe.
About the performance
Silke Huysmans and Hannes Dereere are theatre artist who were in the middle of their common project when the dam broke in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, causing toxic mudflows to flood and destroy numerous villages and flow into the Doce River. Huysmans was born in the region, and so the personal connection and the cataclysmic nature of the disaster, along with their prior determination to create a project on the topic of disaster, encouraged them to travel to Minas Gerais.
In Mining Stories, they gave a voice to others; Silke Huysmans is on stage as MC, working with documentary audio material, which consists not only of the testimonies of the Minas Gerais inhabitants, but also of various researchers and theorists. Mining Stories are a documentary performance where the authors, faced with the immensity of the tragedy, remain silent – just like the rest of us. And yet, they take a key step forward – if we can all only be quiet, they are at least giving a voice to those who have something to say and have been affected. In the age of one‑minute videos, are we still able to listen carefully at all? From the voices of individuals to the cacophony of a disaster.