27. festival MLADI LEVI
Jaha Koo
predstava / performance
Koncept, besedilo, režija, glasba, zvok in video / Concept, text, direction, music, sound and video: Jaha Koo
Nastopajoče_i / Performance: Gona, Seri, Haribo & Jaha Koo
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: Dries Douibi
Scenografija in upravljanje medijev / Scenography and media operation: Eunkyung Jeong
Umetniško svetovanje / Artistic advice: Pol Heyvaert
Tehnična koordinacija / Technical coordination: Korneel Coessens
Tehnika / Technique: Bart Huybrechts, Babette Poncelet
Hekanje Cuckoo-ja / Cuckoo hacking: Idella Craddock
Koordinacija produkcije / Production coordination: Wim Clapdorp
Produkcija / Production: CAMPO
Koprodukcija / Co-production: Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Rideau de Bruxelles, Theater Utrecht, SPRING festival, Festival d’Automne à Paris, Théâtre de la Bastille, Tangente St. Pölten – Festival für Gegenwartskultur, &Espoo theatre, Internationales Sommerfestival Kampnagel, Sophiensaele, Meet You Festival, Bunker, Ljubljana, National Theatre and Concert Hall Taipei, The Divine Comedy International Theater Festival / Teatr Łaźnia Nowa & Perpodium
S podporo / With the support of: Taxshelter of the Belgian Federal Government via Cronos Invest & the Flemish Government, Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije, Mestna občina Ljubljana
Prototip jegulje je bil razvit v okviru Innovation:Lab v koprodukciji z gledališčem Theatre Utrecht in kreativnima tehnologoma Adriaanom Wormgoorjem in Willemom Vooijsom. / The prototype of the eel was developed as part of Innovation:Lab's funnel in co-production with Theater Utrecht and creative technologists Adriaan Wormgoor & Willem Vooijs.
Prevod v slovenščino / Slovenian translation: Tadej Turnšek
Cooking is imbued with cultural identities and social beliefs. Cooking is also a moment of fusion and mixing of ingredients in the literal sense and of cultures in the figurative sense. Food and the exploration of identity also feature prominently in the performances of Jaha Koo, a South Korean theatre and music artist based in Belgium.
He has already performed at the Mladi Levi Festival with Cuckoo, in which he explored the history of South Korean society in the company of a rice cooker. This time, in co-production with Bunker, he brings to the stage the so-called “pojangmacha”, the typical Korean fast food stall, where he is joined by an assembly of lost souls – an eel, a snail... and, once again, a rice cooker. They try to find their way between kimchi, the traditional Korean fermented cabbage, Haribo gummy candies, the traditional Western European candy, and national myths, tradition, globalisation and the commercialisation of Korean food, all while trying to offer insights into contemporary societies and the relationships between and within them through the cuisine.
Kuhanje je prežeto s kulturnimi identitetami in družbenimi prepričanji. Kuhanje je tudi trenutek stapljanja in mešanja sestavin v dobesednem pomenu ter stapljanja in mešanja kultur v prenesenem. Hrana in ukvarjanje z identiteto pa sta prepoznavna trenutka predstav Jahe Kooja, južnokorejskega gledališkega in glasbenega umetnika, živečega v Belgiji.
Na Mladih levih je v preteklosti gostoval s predstavo Cuckoo, kjer se mu je na odru pri brskanju po zgodovini južnokorejske družbe pridružil kuhalnik riža. Tokrat na oder, tudi v Bunkerjevi koprodukciji, postavlja »pojangmacho«, značilno korejsko stojnico s hitro hrano, na njej pa se mu pridruži nabor izgubljenih duš – jegulja, polž … in ponovno tudi kuhalnik riža. Poskušajo se znajti med kimčijem, tradicionalnim korejskim fermentiranim zeljem, žele bonboni Haribo, tradicionalno zahodnoevropsko sladkarijo, ter nacionalnimi miti, tradicijo, globalizacijo in komercializacijo korejske hrane, vmes pa na meniju ponuditi uvide v sodobne družbe in razmerja med njimi in v njih.
Predstava je v korejščini in angleščini s slovenskimi nadnapisi. / Performance is in Korean and English with Slovenian subtitles.
60 minut / 60 minutes
Rezervacije in informacije/ Ticket reservation and information: info@bunker.si ali 051 269 906.
Več/ More on: www.bunker.si
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture