Neda R. Bric
Hommage življenju in delu Pie in Pina Mlakar / Hommage to life and work of Pia and Pino Mlakar
Koncept in režija / Concept, Direction: NEDA R. BRIC
Ples in koreografija / Choreography, Performance: NASTJA BREMEC RYNIA, MICHAL RYNIA
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: ROK ANDRES
Scenografija / Set Design: RENE RUSJAN, BOŠTJAN POTOKAR
Glasba / Music: MATEJA STARIČ
Kostumografija / Costume Design: NATAŠA RECER
Oblikovanje luči / Light Design: ANDREJ HAJDINJAK
Izdelava scene / Set Make: ŽIGA LEBAR
Producentka / Producer: KATJA SOMRAK
Produkcija / Produced by: PLESNI TEATER LJUBLJANA
Koprodukcija / Co-Produced by: ZAVOD MN PRODUKCIJA
Zahvala / Special Thanks:
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
Foto/ Photo: Drago Videmšek
July 25 Beautiful morning, bora is blowing, we are raising sail to leave. Pino cannot pull out the anchor because it is entangled in the chains of other fishing boats. He has to lower the sail. After half an hour of unsuccessful trying, one fisherman decides to help us so he dives to unleash our anchor. Finally, the anchor is on the deck, the sail is raised and as we leave we observe the island Balkun passing by our right side of the sailboat. The storm subsides, the pleasant mistral starts- that is an opportunity for a delicious lunch. Galeb approaches a sailboat with the English flag. We sail parallel for quite some time, but gradually the distance between the sides of the ships is becoming critical. Galeb does not deviate from its course. It almost comes to an accident. Except for a few frightened screams, nothing devastating happened and the sailboats continue each in their own direction. During a strong mistral, we anchor the boat in the port of Bol.
(An excerpt from diary of Pia in Pino Mlakar. Source: Nekdanje svečanosti: prispevki za monografijo Pie in Pina Mlakarja)
25. julij Krasno jutro, burjica, dvigneva jadro za odhod. Pino pa ne more izvleči sidra, ker je zapleteno v verige ribiških čolnov. Morava spustiti jadro. Po polurnem, neuspešnem nategovanju, pomaga nek ribič s potapljanjem. Končno je sidro na krovu, jadro dvigneva in ob sunkih burje zapuščava na desnem boku Galeba otok Balkun in se usmeriva proti jugovzhodu. Burja poneha, začne maestral, priložnost za kuho kosila. Galeb se približuje neki jadrnici pod angleško zastavo. Nekaj časa jadramo vzporedno. Razdalja med ladijskima bokoma postaja kritična. Galeb ne odstopi od svoje smeri in skoraj pride do trka. Razen nekaj prestrašenih krikov se ni zgodilo nič hudega in jadrnici nadaljujeta vsaka v svojo smer. Pri močnem maestralu se zasidrava v luki Bol.
(Iz ladijskega dnevnika Pie in Pina Mlakar. Vir: Nekdanje svečanosti: prispevki za monografijo Pie in Pina Mlakarja)
About project:
Step out of my shadow puts a sailboat of Pia and Pino Mlakar as the essential motif of the story. They sailed with it up until their late age and took inspiration for their work from their travels. Sailboat named Seagull has become a symbol of love towards dance and nature; it embodies as well the story of the couple's creativity. Dancers Nastja Bremec Rynia and Michail Rynia – couple in work and privately; thematise a fusion of two individualities through the story of Pia and Pino Mlakar. These two individualities sometimes become shadows of each other, other times they fight against this fusion and draw the line of Self-being.
O projektu:
Stopi iz moje sence kot osrednji motiv za svojo zgodbo jemlje jadrnico Pie in Pina Mlakarja, s katero sta do pozne starosti jadrala in se predajala silam narave iz katere sta črpala navdih za svoje delo. Jadrnica Galeb tako postane simbol ljubezni do plesa in narave ter uteleša zgodbo njunega ustvarjanja. Plesalca Nastja Bremec Rynia in Michail Rynia, ki sta tudi sama par, tako v delu, kot zasebno, skozi zgodbo Pie in Pina, tematizirata zlitje individualnosti dveh umetnikov, ki na trenutke postaneta senci drug drugega, istočasno pa se temu zlitju upirata in zarisujeta meje lastnega jaza.