Kaja Lin Jagodič Avguštin
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Avtorstvo, koreografija in izvedba / Authored, Choreographed and Performed by: KAJA LIN J. AVGUŠTIN
Soavtorstvo, koreografija in izvedba / Co-created, Choreographed and Performed by: MICKAEL MARSO RIVIÉRE
Dramaturgija / Dramaturgy: NATALIJA MANOJLOVIĆ VARGA
Avtor glasbe / Music: DOMENICO ANGARANO
Oblikovanje luči / Light Design: LEON CURK
Izdelava kostuma / Costume Make: SUZANA KRAPEŽ
Svetila / Lamps: NINA SAVIČ - JUGOŠIK
Kreativna producentka / Creative Producer: KATJA SOMRAK
Program Plesnega Teatra Ljubljana sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana, Oddelek za kulturo / The programme of Plesni Teater Ljubljana is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture
F: Anka Simončič, Drago Videmšek
About the project:
ORBIT_A is a continuation of Kaja Lin Jagodič Avguštin’s PTL Author’s Opus. Together withco-author Mickael Marso Riviére they explore the process of modern migrations, diverse spectres of internal impulses that trigger displacement and effects that a displacement has on personal growth, on relationships and on identity. Orbit is a track of circular motion, an elliptical but nevertheless repeating motion.
An object of lesser mass orbits around an object of greater mass because it cannot resist the force of its gravity.
An orbit is a cycle. An orbit is a routine.
Movement meets its beginning sooner or later.
How big should the orbit have been so that the same paths would not repeat themselves? How much mass would have to be added to a human to cause changement of an orbit? Does a body become heavier if it also takes its backpack along? Maybe even a whole room, or the weight of another emotionally broken body? How much weight can a single person carry and how much can they carry into a new orbit? Is there a new orbit in which there are no traces of old orbits or beginnings?
O projektu:
ORBIT_A je nadaljevanje Avtorskega opusa PTL umetnice Kaje Lin Jagodič Avguštin. S soavtorjem Mickaelom Marsom Riviére raziskujeta sodobne migracije in spekter notranjih impulzov ki jih spodbujajo in učinke, ki jih migracije sprožajo na osebni razvoj, na odnose in na identiteto. Orbita je tirnica krožnega gibanja, eliptičnega, ampak vseeno ponavljajočega.
Telo manjše mase kroži okoli telesa večje mase, ker se ne more upreti sili njegove gravitacije.
Orbita je cikel. Orbita je rutina.
Gibanje slej ko prej sreča svoj začetek.
Kako velika bi morala biti orbita, da se iste poti ne bi ponavljale? Če bi človek lahko spremenil svojo orbito, koliko teže bi si moral nadeti? Ali postane človek težji, če vzame s sabo še svoj nahrbtnik? Kaj pa celo sobo, ali pa težo čustveno zlomljenega telesa? Koliko teže lahko prenese ena sama oseba in koliko jo lahko nese s seboj v novo orbito? Ali obstaja nova orbita v kateri ni sledov starih orbit ali začetkov?
Excerpt from press review:
”The dancers enter into a duet of relationship, which they perfrorm with physical tension, minimal facial expressions, glances and dance acrobatics.” Metod Zupan, Sigledal
Izsek iz kritike:
”Plesalka in plesalec se zapodita v duet razmerja, ki ga izvajata s telesnimi napetostmi, minimalno mimiko, igro pogledov in plesno akrobatiko.” Metod Zupan, Sigledal
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