3., 4. 4. 2013 - 20.00 Belak – Hawlina - Rožnik Novak - Valdés
plesna predstava / a dance performance
Koreografija in izvedba/ Choreography and Dance: Enya Belak, Maša Hawlina, Jerca Rožnik Novak, Veronika Valdés
Oblikovanje luči/ Lighting Design: Janko Oven
Maska/ Make-up: Vanja Djuran
Glasba/ Music: Miha Žužek
Glas/ Voice: Zala Ana Štiglic, Uroš Buh
Vizualna podoba/ Visual Image: Enya Belak
Scenografija/ Scenography: Sabina Belak
Fotografija/ Photography: Sašo Štih
Produkcija/ Produced by: Avtorice/Authors
Koprodukcija/ Co-produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Zahvala/ Special thanks: PTL, SVŠGL, Memo AB, Dedi Bine, Uroš Buh, Andreja Kopač, Jana Kovač Valdés
INFO.: www.ptl.si; Facebook
REZ.: ptl@mail.ljudmila.org; www.ptl.si;
Cena vstopnic / Tickets: 7 /5 € (študenti, upokojenci – students, pensioneers)
O predstavi
Popolna družina je le slika nasmejanih obrazov. Ujet trenutek, ovit med štiri stene. ôče -éta m, im. mn. očétje tudi očéti (ó ẹ́) 1. moški v odnosu do svojega otroka. Rdeča nit plesne predstave je individualni odnos z očetom, prijateljem, tujcem, zaupnikom, sovražnikom… pa vendarle očetom – za VEDNO. Naši odnosi so abstraktni, preprosti, a vendarle kompleksni, čustveni in nerazumni. Pa vendar ga imam rada…
“S sicer skromnim scenografskim ogrodjem, zato pa z zajetnim učinkom svetlobnih posegov (Janko Oven), udarnih glasbenih podlag in zvočnih posnetkov mlada plesna četverica zaokroži dogodek, ki ga označujejo zrela doslednost, entuziazem in telesna celovitost, zlasti pa preudarna sporočilna proporcionalnost med osebnimi stališči izvajalk in prostorom za svobodno gledalčevo interpretacijo.” (Zala Dobovšek, Delo)
About the performance
Perfect family is just an image of smiling faces. Captured moment, enveloped by four walls of the father(s). 1. The man in relation to his child. The red line of the dance performance is an individual relationship with the father, friend, stranger, confidant, enemy… nevertheless with the father – for EVER. Our relationships are abstract, simple yet complex, emotional, irrarational. Nevertheless I love him…
“With otherwise modest scenographic frame, but a bulky effect of lighting interventions (Janko Oven), striking musical background and soundtracks the young dance quartet rounds the event which is distinguished for mature consistency, enthusiasm and bodily wholeness and above all for rational communicative proportionality between personal statements of the performers and space for the viewer’s free interpretation.” (Zala Dobovšek, Delo)