Mamela Nyamza
plesni performans / a dance performance
Zamisel, koreografija, ples / Concept, Choreography, Dance: Mamela Nyamza
Kostumografija / Costume Design: Janni Younge
Produkcija / Produced by: Theatre in Pfalzbau ter/and steptext dance project z/with Mamela Nyamza
Koprodukcija / Co-produced by: DansArt Tanznetworks pri Biennale Passages 14
Sodelovanjen / In Collaboration with: DorkyPark Studio 44, École des Sables & Association Jant-Bi, Acacia Park
Zahvala / Acknowledgement: Germaine Acogny in Robyn Orlin
Predstava sodi v program Festivala EXODOS / the performance is part of the programme of the EXODOS Festival
O predstavi
Motika, orodje, brez katerega ženske v Afriki ne morejo kmetovati, špice, baletni čeveljci, brez katerih ne gre v ženskem baletu, ter kostumirani »partner« − to so rekviziti, s katerimi Nyamza izvede ples o svoji usodi črne ženske in plesalke.
Koreografinja in plesalka Mamela Nyamza se je šolala v Ameriškem plesnem centru Alvina Aileyja. Pleše v številnih znanih mednarodnih produkcijah, poučuje ples in sodeluje v boju za spoštovanje človekovih pravic, pravic žensk, homoseksualcev in drugih političnih in družbenih subjektov. Od leta 2006 si sama koreografira predstave, ki so dobrodošle in nagrajevane po vsem svetu.
About the performance
A pickaxe, the ultimate female tool of African agriculture and pointe shoes, the attribute of each ballet dancer – with these references, and a life-size costume character as "partner" Mamela Nyamza dances an eccentric solo that reflects her personal history as a black South African woman and dance artist.
The choreographer and dancer Mamela Nyamza studied at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Center in New York. She has danced in numerous internationally well-known productions, taught dance and is involved in and with art for human rights, women's rights, homosexuality, and other political and social issues. Since 2006 she choreographed her own pieces, which have received enthusiastic responses and was honoured with several prestigious awards worldwide.